Secret Lovers

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Episode 1

JR had thoroughly enjoyed the past two weeks with John Ross. As John Ross splashed in the pool with Christopher, JR couldn’t help thinking how wonderful it was having him back at SouthFork...if only for a while. He was the one bright spot of JR’s life right now. Losing Ewing Oil... Cally...and then Vanessa... had brought JR to a realization. Family is what really matters, he thought. As he gazed across the ranch, a look came over his face...a look that was hard to define...a mixture of worry and sadness.

“Mama,” JR asked. “Can you watch the boys for a while?”

Miss Ellie looked up from her crossword. “Sure, JR...”

“Thanks,” he said monotonously as he headed indoors and up to his room.

Upon reaching his bedroom, JR gazed at the bed. His thoughts drifted to Sue Ellen... They had shared that bed off and on for many years.... How he had mistreated her! But there were good times too... He walked to the bureau and pulled out the photo....that photo of the two of them...taken at the Oil Baron’s Ball.... JR couldn’t help thinking how beautiful she was...

I wonder if she looks the same, he thought.... Taking a seat on the bed, JR placed the photo on the night stand. “I had it all once.....” Not wanting to give in to his depression, JR decided to go into town.


Sue Ellen exited her attorney’s office. The divorce was final now. At least John Ross will be happy, she thought. After all, he had never truly been happy in London...and he had missed JR terribly, though he wouldn’t admit it....

Realizing she hadn’t eaten anything today, Sue Ellen decided to head over to the Cattlemen’s Club for lunch...


The boys were still playing in the pool when JR came back. “Mama, I need to go into town....I should be back by suppertime....,” said JR.

“Don’t worry about John Ross, JR...He’ll be fine....,” replied Miss Ellie.

“Thanks Mama,” said JR as he headed for his Mercedes.


Sue Ellen picked at her food....this place brought back so many memories...some happy and some not....Something broke her concentration. Looking up, Sue Ellen saw JR take a seat at the bar.

Why am I nervous, she asked herself.

JR ordered a scotch. “Make that a double,” he said to the bartender.

He hadn’t seen Sue Ellen. She sat and watched him for a bit...mesmerized....

Stop it, she told herself...it’s over....

Sue Ellen sat for a while longer...JR was drunk...she knew him so well...After paying, Sue Ellen headed for the exit.

“I could at least say hello,” she said aloud.

JR was startled when a lady took a seat at the bar beside him. “Well,” he said loudly. “What brings you to Dallas, stranger?”

“Hello, JR....”

JR ordered up another drink. She’s more beautiful than before, he thought. “You’re looking good....”

“I take that as a compliment, JR. How are you?’

“How am I?” he asked loudly again. “I’m great.”

“That’s good to know....”

Leaning towards her, JR asked,”But more importantly....how are you, darlin’?”

“I’m okay....”

“Just okay?” asked JR sarcastically.

“I’ll level with you, JR...I’m newly divorced and I’m moving back to Dallas...”

“Moving back to Dallas? Whatever for? I take it Mr. Lockwood wasn’t Prince Charming?”

Sue Ellen realized this conversation was pointless. JR was drunk and there was no way to talk to him when he was in this shape. As she stood to leave, JR grasped her forearm. “Not so fast, darlin’.”

She couldn’t help feeling some sort of electricity. That old feeling came back suddenly. That feeling she’d never felt with any other man....

Looking around at the stares, Sue Ellen said,”Why don’t we get out of here, JR?”

She actually felt sorry for him. Never had she imagined that JR’s spirit could be broken. JR paid his tab and followed Sue Ellen to the taxi. Once they were in her hotel room, they talked...catching up, so to speak...

They were like old friends....Sue Ellen told JR all about London...and how Don had left her alone much of the time...and how alone she’d felt.... And, for once, JR had leveled with Sue Ellen about how he’d lost everything.

“Being alone is scary, isn’t it?” asked Sue Ellen.

“I’ll tell you, Sue Ellen....it’s the only thing in this world that frightens me.”

“Did I tell you how wonderful you look, Sue Ellen?” he asked.

“No....but thank you....”

Realizing he needed to get back to the ranch, JR stood up. “I need to go home, darlin.”

Sue Ellen didn’t want him to go...and he was in no condition to drive himself the 40 miles back to SouthFork. “Stay here, JR...”

“Here? Whatever for?”

The past year had been so lonely....Don was always on a movie set somewhere...Counting up the days, Sue Ellen realized they’d only been together a grand total of 28 days in that time period. And here was JR, of all people.... Sue Ellen needed a man...a real man.....

Sue Ellen strode to the door, where JR stood. “Stay,” she whispered seductively. Touching his neck lightly with her fingertips, she continued. “Just for tonight....”

JR placed his arms round Sue Ellen’s waist and pulled her to him.....pulling her in to a passionate kiss....”I’ve missed you, darlin’.....”

Sue Ellen let herself go....JR was so strong....and so irresistible... It’s just one night, she told herself as they made their way to the bedroom.....


JR followed Sue Ellen down the hall...unable to keep his eyes off her gorgeous legs...upon reaching the bedroom, JR grabbed Sue Ellen and pressed his body against hers...”You have know idea how much I want you,” he whispered just before sliding his tongue into Sue Ellen’s mouth.

Sue Ellen knew now she’d reached the point of no return. What the hell am I doing, she asked herself. The thought didn’t last long though....Sliding her hand JR’s body....first his chest....then on down to his waist...and lower.... Feeling his huge erection, Sue Ellen quickly undid JR’s belt...

JR quickly began unbuttoning Sue Ellen’s blouse...finally there was nothing between them....JR picked Sue Ellen up and carried her across the room to the dresser. Sitting her down on the dresser, JR entered her quickly...

The sheer feeling of him inside her, caused Sue Ellen to climax quickly....”Oh God, JR!” she called out.

JR didn’t last much longer... Once he could breathe again, JR kissed Sue Ellen passionately and carried her to the bed. The two of them continued kissing passionately for a while.

“I’m sorry I didn’t last long, darlin,” whispered JR. “It’ll be better next time, I promise.”

“You were wonderful,” laughed Sue Ellen. “I guess we both needed it bad, didn’t we?”

“You got that right, darlin’.”

Just before falling asleep, JR looked at Sue Ellen....looked deeply into her eyes... “I love you, Sue Ellen....”

Sue Ellen was thankful when he passed out before saying anything else. What have I done, she asked herself. As quietly as possible, Sue Ellen got up from the bed, went to the dresser and removed a nightgown, and headed to the living room for the couch.

The next morning, JR awoke with a slight headache. He didn’t quite realize where he was at first....then it all flooded his mind....he smiled to himself as he thought of last night....and Sue Ellen. But he was somewhat perplexed that she wasn’t laying in bed beside him now. After showering, he dressed and walked into the living room, finding Sue Ellen sound asleep on the couch.

His elation slowly faded as he knew what that meant....the fact that Sue Ellen was sleeping on the couch proved to him that nothing had changed....Without waking her, JR opened the door and left the room without looking back. As he exited the hotel it suddenly struck him... “Damn!” he said aloud realizing his car was still parked at the Cattlemen’s Club. Making his way to the bellman, JR made arrangements for a shuttle to take him to his car.

Looking at the clock, Sue Ellen was shocked that she’s slept til noon. Slowly, she made her way down the hall to the bedroom and was thankful to find that JR had already left. Deciding today would be a good day to see a realtor, Sue Ellen showered and was in the process of drying her hair when the phone rang.


“Mrs. Lockwood, this is Greg,” said her attorney. “You should be happy to know that Don has agreed to a no-contest divorce. The hearing, which is just a formality, is scheduled two weeks from Monday.”

“Do I have to be present?”

“That’s the bad part. Yes, you do have to be present.”

“I see. Well, if that’s the worst part, I suppose it’s not so bad....Thank you, Greg.”

Hanging up the phone, Sue Ellen continued to get ready. Choosing a low-cut white stretch blouse and jeans, she dressed and headed out the door.


“Hello JR,” called out Miss Ellie from the den. “Where were you last night?”

“Oh....I was working late at Ewing Oil and decided to stay at the condo....I know I should have called. Where is John Ross?”

“He and Christopher are out riding their horses. I expect they’ll be back anytime.”

“I’ll be back down in a bit,” said JR as he climbed the stairs.

“Why didn’t he answer the phone if he was at Ewing Oil?” Miss Ellie said aloud.

Closing the door behind him, JR sat down on the bed. “What the hell was I thinking?”
And then it hit him....JR remembered telling Sue Ellen he loved her....

After dinner, everyone retreated to the den for drinks. JR excused himself. “I need to go out for a bit,” he announced.

“Again?” asked Bobby. “Something tells me JR has a significant other,” he kidded.

“It’s just business, Bob.”

“Well....don’t work too hard,” Bobby called out as JR was leaving.


Sue Ellen relaxed on the couch, looking over the photos of some of the homes the realtor thought would be of interest to her. Hearing a knock at the door, she became nervous....as there was only one person besides her attorney who knew where she was....

“Come in JR,” she said.

“You look good, Sue Ellen,” said JR as he looked her up and down.

“Thank you....you look good yourself....” Pointing at the loveseat, she continued. “Have a seat.”

The two of them sat in uncomfortable silence for a few minutes.

“Sue Ellen, I came here to apolo....”

“You don’t have to apologize, JR,” interrupted Sue Ellen.

“I couldn’t get you off my mind all day.”

“Nor could I get my mind off you,” replied Sue Ellen.

“I am sorry, Sue Ellen. I was very drunk and....”

“JR, this is how I feel about last night. There’s nothing for either of us to ashamed about. It’s not as if we’re strangers.....”

“How would you like to start over?” asked JR hopefully. “Get to know each other again.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, JR. Not again. I’ve finally come to the realization that the only thing we really have in common is.....sex.”

“How can you say that after all these years? Not everything was bad, Sue Ellen.”

“I didn’t say everything was bad, JR. I just stated the simple truth.”

“So, where do we go from here?”

“My attorney informed me today that my divorce will be final two weeks from Monday. I have to go back to London to finalize everything.”

“And then?”

Pointing to the real estate papers on the table, Sue Ellen continued. “I’m moving back to Dallas. You didn’t tell John Ross I’m here, did you?”

“No....But.....how would you like to come out to the ranch for dinner? Mama and everybody would be glad to see you....”

“I will when I get back from London. Until then, I’d appreciate it if you could keep this a secret between us. I’ll talk to John Ross when I get back.”

“I promise I won’t tell anyone.” Getting up, JR walked to the door. “I gotta get back to the ranch. Can I call you?”

Sue Ellen walked to the door....face to face with JR, she pressed her lips to his sensuously. “I’ll call you if I need you,” she said seductively.



Sue Ellen and Don were seated next to each other. It was really simple, actually. Once the divorce was finalized, the two of them walked outside together.

“I’m glad we’re able to part as friends,” said Sue Ellen.

“Me too,” replied Don. “I’m sorry.”

“I’m sorry too.”

Looking down at the ground, Don said,”So....I guess this is goodbye.”

Sue Ellen nodded to answer him.

“And you’re really moving back to Dallas?”

“I suppose so. To be honest, I missed Texas.....and John Ross is at that age where he needs to be close to his father.”

“Goodbye Sue Ellen,” said Don. Kissing her on the cheek, he continued,”If you ever need anything......”

“I know,” interrupted Sue Ellen.

Alone now, Sue Ellen decided to take a walk. She didn’t need to be at the airport for another three hours now... At a nearby park, Sue Ellen took a seat on a bench and reflected on her life. Why do I keep making the same mistakes, she asked herself. Every man she’d been with had cheated on her....in one way or another. She was always second to other women......work.....the rodeo...... She resolved then and there to never let a man that close to her again.


Sue Ellen settled on the couch and turned on the television. She had never felt so confused.... What would she do now? She was almost certain John Ross would want to stay at SouthFork, not that she blamed him. He had Miss Ellie, Christopher, and........JR there. And who did she have? Her mother was God knows where..... And, here she was......all alone....


JR poured over the stack of paper on his desk. “Harv will have to go through this himself,” he said aloud. Deciding to go home, he grabbed his Stetson and turned out the lights... Just as he headed to the elevators, the telephone rang. He started to let the answering service pick up but decided to answer it himself.

“Hello,” he said.

“JR,” said the voice on the other end. “It’s me.”

“Sue Ellen.....when did you get back in town?”

“Just a few hours ago....Are you busy?”

“No darlin, I was just leaving when the phone rang.”

“Oh.....would you like to come over?”


JR turned out the lights and headed for the elevators. Suddenly, he had an idea. She’ll love it, he thought.

Sue Ellen glanced at her reflection in the mirror before answering the door. The black pantsuit accentuated her figure. Fluffing her hair, she made her way to the door.

“Come in,” she said. Sue Ellen couldn’t believe JR had brought flowers.

“Hello darlin’,” he said. Handing her the vase of yellow roses, he continued,“These are for you.”

“That’s very thoughtful of you, JR.... Thank you.”

“So....tell me about your trip. Are you back for good?”

“Yes....I don’t know exactly what my plans are, but I intend to stay in Dallas.”

Elated, JR blurted out,”That’s wonderful.”

“Don’t get your hopes up, JR...I established the guidelines for out relationship already. Remember?”

“Yes....I remember,” said a somewhat disappointed JR.

“I....took the liberty of ordering dinner. I assume you haven’t eaten yet?” asked Sue Ellen.

“No, I haven’t had dinner yet. Like I said on the telephone, I was just heading out when you called. How did the divorce hearing go?”

“Everything went fine, thanks for asking.”

JR followed Sue Ellen into the dining room of the suite and took a seat at the table. The two of them ate in silence mainly....except when Sue Ellen asked about John Ross.

“How is John Ross? I talked to him a couple of times and he seems to be having a wonderful time at SouthFork.”

“John Ross is fine. He and Christopher seem to really be enjoying each other’s company.”

The room was full of tension between the two of them. JR wanted Sue Ellen and she was sure she wanted him but....Sue Ellen was certain she couldn’t afford to let her guard down....not again....

After dinner, the two of them moved into the living room. “Mind if I fix myself a drink?” asked JR.

“Help yourself.”

JR fixed himself a bourbon and branch and took a seat adjacent to Sue Ellen. “If you don’t mind my asking, Sue Ellen, what do you plan to do now?”

“Honestly, JR, I don’t know....I’ve actually thought of just staying here at the hotel for a while....live on room service...”

JR knew Sue Ellen so well. She couldn’t live like that for long. “Would that make you happy?”

“I don’t know, JR.....I’m not sure about anything right now. By the way, I’ll be coming out to the ranch to see John Ross tomorrow. I want to explain everything to him.”

“I know he’ll be happy to see you,” replied JR. Then thinking, he asked,”Why don’t you come to SouthFork for dinner? It’ll be just like the old days.”

“Yes, the old days....they were so wonderful, weren’t they?” asked Sue Ellen sarcastically.

“I suppose you’re right, darlin’....”

“I know I am.”

“Sue Ellen, I’m not sure if I like this little arrangement...Maybe I should leave....”

“That’s your option, I suppose JR. But, something tells me that you don’t have anyone else right now...”

Standing up, JR asked,”What makes you think that, Sue Ellen?”

“Well, there’s the fact that you’re here now....and then I haven’t forgotten the last time we were together.....”

Embarrassed, JR headed for the door. “I’m not going to sit and listen to this, Sue Ellen.”

“Leave if you want, JR...I made myself clear earlier.............no strings attached, remember?”

JR stood at the door facing Sue Ellen, who had risen off the couch and was inching towards him. “Where does that leave us?”

Face to face with him now, Sue Ellen whispered,”I called you because I don’t want to be alone tonight.....do you want to be alone, JR?”

JR wanted Sue Ellen so badly.....but, not this way..... But, if this was the only way he could have her, then so be it.... Leaning down, JR clasped his hands together on the small of her back and kissed Sue Ellen....softly at first....then, becoming more passionate...forcing his tongue into her mouth.... Sue Ellen melted at his touch at first, but then pulled away suddenly. “You didn’t answer my question, JR.....do you want to be alone?”

“No....” he panted as the two of them removed each other’s clothes. “I don’t want to be alone.”

The two of them were totally naked now....still standing by the door. Sue Ellen grabbed JR by the hand and led him to the couch. JR was fully aroused now....neverminding the fact that this wasn’t how he wanted it to be between the two of them. JR collapsed on the couch....Sue Ellen straddled him, gasping as he entered her... Digging her nails into his back, Sue Ellen whispered,”Do you want me, JR?”

JR pumped his manhood into Sue Ellen furiously. “Yes.....I.........I want you, Sue Ellen.”

The two of them continued....using each other.....finally, they climaxed together......

Later, the two of them lay spooning on the couch. JR nuzzled Sue Ellen’s neck. “I thought about you the entire time you were gone, darlin’,” he whispered.

“I thought about you too, JR.”

“Tell me what you were thinking,” said JR.

“I thought.....I can’t wait to get back to that stud of mine in Dallas....”

Infuriated, JR rose up from the couch and quickly began putting his clothes on. Fully dressed, he walked to the door and then stopped and turned to face Sue Ellen. “You are crazy, woman! If you think you can use me like this, you’re sadly mistaken....”

Sue Ellen continued to sit in silence. As JR walked out the door, she called out,”Oh....I’m sure you’ll be back!”

JR slammed the door behind him. Sue Ellen went to the closet and removed a blanket. Covering herself, she walked back to the couch and sat down. She didn’t want JR to leave....it was quite the opposite, in fact.... Admit it, she told herself....you’re still in love with him......


Sue Ellen pulled into the driveway of the SouthFork ranch. Teresa let her in...she followed her to the kitchen where John Ross and Christopher were having lunch with Miss Ellie and Clayton.

“Mama!” called out John Ross when he saw Sue Ellen standing in the doorway.

Hugging him back, Sue Ellen said,”I missed you so much, John Ross.”

Miss Ellie got up from the table and walked towards Sue Ellen. Embracing her, she said,”Sue Ellen...what a surprise! It’s so good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you, Miss Ellie. How are you?”

“Everything is fine here. We’ve really enjoyed our visit with John Ross. I must admit it’s a shock seeing you here....”

“I guess it is, Miss Ellie.....”

“What are you doing in Dallas, Sue Ellen?” asked Clayton.

“It’s a long story.....,” replied Sue Ellen. Then, looking down at John Ross, she asked,”John Ross....would you like to go out for a while?”

“Christopher and I were gonna go riding....could we go out later?”

Before she could answer, Miss Ellie chimed in, her intuition telling her something was amiss. “Why don’t the two of you go riding, Sue Ellen?”

“Christopher, would you mind me stealing John Ross from you for a while?” asked Sue Ellen.

“I don’t mind,” replied Christopher.

“Thank you, Christopher,” said Sue Ellen.

Sue Ellen and John Ross rode out across SouthFork. Miles away from the house, Sue Ellen stopped. Getting down, she said,” John Ross, I need to talk to you.”

John Ross followed Sue Ellen as she walked towards the lake and sat down. “What is it, Mama? Is something wrong?”

“John Ross, have you had a good time here?”

“Yes Mama.....I’m having a great time.....” answered John Ross.

“I’m not sure how to say this, John Ross, so I’ll just be straight with you.....Don and I have divorced and I’m moving back to Dallas. Would you like that?”

John Ross didn’t want to let on. He’d never really liked London....he just didn’t want to hurt his mother. “I would love to live here again.”

Relieved, Sue Ellen continued. “I’m glad to hear that, John Ross. You’re what’s most important to me....always remember that.”

“I love you, Mama,” said John Ross. “Where will we live?”

“Well, I’ve been looking but haven’t found a place yet.”

“Can I stay at SouthFork until then?”

“Of course,” smiled Sue Ellen hugging John Ross to her.

Sue Ellen and John Ross rode back to the ranch. After putting the horses back up in the barn, they walked back to the house. Sue Ellen was surprised to find JR’s car parked in the drive this early in the afternoon. Bracing herself, she followed John Ross indoors. The two of them found everyone in the den.

“Did you have a nice time?” asked Miss Ellie.

Sue Ellen could feel JR’s stare. Trying her best to ignore him, Sue Ellen said,”We had a wonderful time, Miss Ellie....Thank you.”

“No thanks are needed, Sue Ellen,” said Clayton. “We’re glad to have you back, if only for a while...how long do you plan to stay?”

“Actually, Clayton, I’m moving back to Dallas,” said Sue Ellen somewhat uncomfortably. “Don and I are divorced.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Sue Ellen,” said Miss Ellie sincerely. And she meant it....she’d always hoped Sue Ellen would be able to find some happiness in life...JR certainly hadn’t treated her right.....

“It’s okay, Miss Ellie,” said Sue Ellen. “I’ll be fine....Don and I are friends...”

JR had remained silent throughout the entire exchange. Finally, he spoke up. “Well, I think I speak for us all when I say we’re glad to have John Ross here.”

Sue Ellen eyed him curiously. “I’m sure you are. To be honest, I’m happy he’s close to his family also.”

“Won’t you join us for dinner, Sue Ellen?” asked Miss Ellie. “We were just heading to the dining room.”

“I don’t want to intrude, Miss Ellie,” replied Sue Ellen.

“That’s nonsense,” smiled Miss Ellie. “I insist.”

“I have to admit, it’s a welcome change from the hotel food,” Sue Ellen agreed.

Throughout dinner, Sue Ellen updated everyone about her life....what it was like in London....but unable to shake the nervousness she felt from the glare of JR upon her....

Sue Ellen was relieved when dinner was over and everyone had retreated back to the den. Realizing it was John Ross’ bedtime, she followed him upstairs and tucked him in. “Good night, John Ross...”

“Good night, Mama,” said John Ross sleepily.

“I’ll call you tomorrow. Would you like to come with me to look for a new house?”

“Mmmhmmm,” mumbled John Ross.

“Okay,” Sue Ellen whispered. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Downstairs, Sue Ellen was surprised to find herself alone with JR in the den. “Where is everyone?” she asked.

Holding his drink in his left hand, JR approached her. “They’ve gone to bed.”

“I see....well, I should be going now...” Curious, Sue Ellen asked,” What is that noise? Is that wind I hear?”

“Haven’t you heard the news, Sue Ellen? We’re under a tornado alert til tomorrow morning.”

“Well then, I guess I should get back to Dallas then.....”

“In this weather? Do you want John Ross to be an orphan, Sue Ellen?” asked JR.

“You can’t seriously think I’m going to stay here, JR.”

“You can stay in the guest room, Sue Ellen.”

“Why didn’t anyone say anything earlier?” asked Sue Ellen.

“I don’t know...I guess they assumed you knew.....”

Looking outside, Sue Ellen realized there was no way she could venture out tonight. “I suppose I have no choice then.”

“I’ll walk you upstairs,” offered JR.

“I know the way, JR....after all, I spent a lot of time in the guest room, didn’t I?”

Sue Ellen’s words cut him to the bone. How could he make Sue Ellen see that he had changed? ...that he wasn’t the same JR she had married...

Sue Ellen went upstairs and closed the door behind her, thankful to be away from JR at last...he made her feel so vulnerable. Settling into bed, she started to drift into sleep. She was interrupted by a knock at the door. “May I come in?” asked JR.

“Come on in. What do you want, JR?”

“I just wanted to see if you need anything.”

“I’m fine, thanks....Is that the real reason you came in here, JR?”

Sue Ellen never ceased to amaze him. She certainly wasn’t the same woman he had married. “What other reason would I have for coming here, Sue Ellen?”

“I don’t know,” answered Sue Ellen. Then, somewhat seductively, she continued,”Maybe you just wanted to be near me.”

“You certainly have a high opinion of yourself, don’t you, Sue Ellen?”

“You tell me,” she said getting up from the bed.

“I know how bull-headed you are, Sue Ellen.....if you really wanted to leave, you would have...”

Sue Ellen couldn’t help noticing how sexy JR looked at that moment....standing there with his tie loosened....his shirt unbuttoned halfway down.... “I couldn’t leave, in case you don’t remember, JR.”

Coming closer to her until Sue Ellen could feel his breath on her neck, JR continued. “Why didn’t you leave?”

Why do I have this attraction to him, Sue Ellen asked herself. She wanted him so badly but held herself in reserve....but she then reminded herself there were no emotions involved. Sue Ellen then placed her arms around JR’s neck and kissed him passionately. JR’s response was to kiss her back....placing his arms about her waist.....

“I want you, JR,” said Sue Ellen breathlessly.

The two of them practically ripped each other’s clothes off as they made their way to the bed. Once JR was inside her, the two of them held on like there was no tomorrow....the two of them searching each other....for what, neither of them knew....

Both of them satisfied, Sue Ellen laid in JR’s arms....”I’m glad you’re here, Sue Ellen,” he whispered. “Just having you near......” And then he fell asleep.

Sue Ellen waited for the wind to die down before getting up, ever so silently. Getting dressed she headed down the stairs and out to her car....feeling safe now that she was away from JR, she turned the key in the ignition, starting the car...

Upstairs, JR was awakened from his blissful sleep by the headlight shining through the window. Realizing Sue Ellen was gone, he got up and strode to the window. There was nothing he could do but watch Sue Ellen drive off into the night.......


Safe inside her suite, Sue Ellen could finally think. What am I doing? Sue Ellen had seen JR looking through the curtains as she left. It wasn’t that she wanted to hurt him....but she had to beat him to the punch. JR had hurt her too many times in the past for her to ever be able to trust him. “What I need is a shower,” she said aloud. Then, deciding on a bath, Sue Ellen went to the bathroom and turned on the water, adding some bath oil... She sat soaking in the bath for over an hour, trying to gather her thoughts.

Getting out of the tub, Sue Ellen wrapped a towel around her and walked into the bedroom. Opening the top drawer of the night stand, she removed a framed photo.... That was so long ago, she told herself, gazing at the picture of the two of them at a function at the Oil Baron’s.... Sue Ellen leaned back against the headboard.....and fell asleep holding the photo against her....


JR dressed and headed down the stairs for breakfast. He had been unable to shake the memory of the previous night.....having Sue Ellen back here at SouthFork.... Making excuses for himself, JR skipped breakfast and headed on in to the office.


Sue Ellen woke up and looked at the photo, still clasped in her hands. The previous night came flooding back to her. She didn’t want to admit it to herself.....but those feeling for JR had never gone away. At first, she was able to tell herself it was just lust....fulfilling her womanly needs, she had said. But that wasn’t it. I don’t love him, she told herself.....wishing it were true.....


JR greeted the secretaries and entered his office. Try as he might, he was unable to focus on anything....anything, that is, except for Sue Ellen. What kind of game is she playing, he asked himself....

Sue Ellen showered and dressed in a long black dress. Today would be a good day to look at houses.....

JR busied himself at work as much as possible. But, he couldn’t get her off his mind. “There has a way to make her see I’ve changed,” he said aloud.

Sly interrupted his thoughts when she buzzed in to remind him of his dinner meeting with Andy Bradley and Marilee. “Thanks Sly,” he said shortly before hanging up.


JR walked into Scalini’s and, seeing that Andy and Marilee were already there, headed towards their table. “Evenin’ folks...sorry I’m late.....”

“Have a seat, JR,” said Andy.

“I can’t believe you don’t have a date,” teased Marilee.

Ignoring this comment, JR began to discuss business with Andy. Some two hours later, the three of them said their goodbyes, promising to meet the following day for lunch to further discuss the northern Texas oil fields.... As JR started to leave, something made him turn around. His eyes fell on Sue Ellen who was obviously having dinner alone. He decided to have a seat at the bar. From where he was seated, JR could observe Sue Ellen with no chance of her seeing him. God, she’s beautiful, he almost said out loud. JR was unable to take his eyes off her....dressed in a royal blue floor-length dress, she looked spectacular..... JR ordered up a Bourbon & Branch and settled in at the bar....

Sue Ellen reflected on her day as she dined on fettuccini....she became somewhat distracted as the couples on the dance floor caught her attention. The sight of so many happy couples reminded her of happier times in her younger days...She couldn’t deny that there had been happy times with JR....and many of them were right here....

Sue Ellen was startled to see JR standing before her. “JR....what are you doing here?”

“Would it be too forward of me to ask you to dance?”

“Thanks for asking, JR, but I’m afraid that isn’t a good idea.”

“What are you afraid of, darlin’? It’s just me....”

“That’s exactly what I’m afraid of, JR,” responded Sue Ellen.

“I promise there are no strings attached,” offered JR flashing his million-dollar grin.

Smiling, Sue Ellen stood up and took his outstretched hand. “How can I resist an offer like that?”

“It’s exactly what you wanted, darlin’,” said JR as he led her onto the dance floor.

Are you lonesome tonight,
Do you miss me tonight?
Are you sorry we drifted apart?
As they moved to the music, Sue Ellen resolved to keep a comfortable distance from JR. “You just had to pick a slow one, didn’t you, JR?” she asked.
“I just wanted to dance, darlin’......”
Does your memory stray to a brighter sunny day
When I kissed you and called you sweetheart?
Do the chairs in your parlor seem empty and bare?
Do you gaze at your doorstep and picture me there?
Is your heart filled with pain,
Shall I come back again?
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?

Sue Ellen couldn’t help feeling wispful as the words of the song cut deep. It hadn’t been that long ago....

I wonder if you're lonesome tonight
You know someone said that the world's a stage
And you must play a part.
Fate had me playing in love you as my sweet heart.
Act one was when I met you,
I loved you at first glance
You read your line so cleverly
And never missed a cueThen came act two,
You seemed to change and you acted strange
And why I'll never know.
Honey, you're lying when you said you loved me
And I had no cause to doubt you.
But I'd rather go on hearing your lies
Than go on living without you.
Now the stage is bare and I'm standing there
With emptiness all around
And if you won't come back to me
Then make them bring the curtain down.

Is your heart filled with pain,
Shall I come back again?
Tell me dear, are you lonesome tonight?

“Thank you for the dance, darlin’.”

“You’re very welcome, JR.”

Sue Ellen watched JR as he disappeared. Unable to finish her dinner, she asked the waiter for the check. Leaving a generous tip, she stood up to leave. As she passed the bar, Sue Ellen saw JR out of the corner of her eye. Bracing herself, she strode up to him. “I didn’t know you were still here.”

“I’m heading out as soon as finish this one,” replied JR as he held up his glass.

“I’ll be out to pick up John Ross tomorrow afternoon....just thought I’d let you know.”

“Is that why you came over here? .....to tell me that?”

“Yes, as a matter of fact, it is....”

Deciding to change the subject, JR asked,”Do you have a ride home?”

“No...I’m going to call a cab to take me back to the hotel.”

“There’s no sense in that, darlin’, I’ll give you a ride.”

“I don’t want to put you out, JR.”

“Nonsense darlin’, it’s my pleasure.”

The two of them were silent most of the way to Sue Ellen’s hotel. JR pulled his car up to the entrance.

“Well, here we are,” he announced.

“Thank you for the ride, JR....”

Sue Ellen wanted to invite him upstairs but somehow sensed this wasn’t a good time. Then she thought, what the hell, and decided to ask anyway.

“Would you like to come upstairs, JR? You could tell me about your day.”

“I really need to get back to the ranch....but.....I suppose I could come up for a nightcap..”

JR then got out of the car and walked around to Sue Ellen’s side, opening the door for her. Handing the keys to the valet, the two of them headed upstairs together.

Sue Ellen opened the door and settled down on the sofa as JR poured himself a drink.

“Have you found a house yet, Sue Ellen?” JR asked, breaking the silence.

“I’ve found a couple of places I like. I’m going back out tomorrow with the realtor.”

“What part of town are you looking to buy a house in?”

“Actually, I’m looking to buy as close to SouthFork as possible....that way, John Ross will be close to both his parents.”

“I see. I noticed the old Lucas ranch is on the market. Have you looked at it?”

“No, I didn’t know it was for sale.”

“If you’d like to see it, I can contact the realtor for you in the morning.”

“I’m keeping all my options open. I’d love to see it.”

“Does that mean you’re here to stay, Sue Ellen?’

Nodding, Sue Ellen replied,”I’m afraid that’s so. Does that bother you?”

“Hell no darlin’....you should know that by now.”

“I was just testing you, JR,” teased Sue Ellen.

Finishing his drink, JR announced,”I guess I should be going now. It’s getting late.”

Sue Ellen followed him to the door. “Thank you for the ride, JR.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Thinking, she continued,”You know, you don’t have to go.”

“You want me to stay?”

“Well....I don’t want to hold you against your will....but.....there are no strings attached, remember?”

Oh do I, thought JR. “Will you make me breakfast?” asked JR teasingly.

“I’ll do better than that.....I’ll order room service,” replied Sue Ellen.

JR knew he should leave but he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off Sue Ellen all evening. She had a way about her that he’d never seen in another woman....This is all a charade, he told himself. She’ll never love you again.... But, in the end, he found himself giving into her once again.... JR followed Sue Ellen down the hall..... Inside the bedroom, Sue Ellen turned out the light and led him to the bed........


Behind closed doors, JR pulled Sue Ellen to him. Running his hands through her hair, he looked deep into her dark brown eyes....searching....searching for that look...that sparkle that had been in them way back when...not finding it, he kissed her softly on the lips before moving behind her. It was easier this way....not having to look into Sue Ellen’s eyes...not having to face the fact that she didn’t love him anymore....

Sue Ellen could feel his breath on her neck now. The mere feel of his touch sent tingles all through her body. Tenderly, JR kissed the nape of her neck as he oh so slowly unzipped her dress. “You smell so good, Sue Ellen,” he murmured as he continued to kiss her down to the small of her back. Standing up, he flawlessly undid her garters... Sue Ellen attempted to pull JR to her in vain, as he purposely avoided her lips. Her face wore a look of curiosity mixed with confusion at that. Her bra undone now, JR continued kissing Sue Ellen all the way down to her thighs causing her to lose her breath. “JR, that feels so good,” she gasped.

She was slightly disappointed when he rose up... looking at her with an unreadable expression on his face. Slowly, he grasped her breasts, massaging them intently...causing Sue Ellen to fall back slightly against the door. She couldn’t take it anymore. She furiously grabbed him by the waistband, undoing the button and zipper of JR’s trousers, and then letting them fall to the floor...At that, Sue Ellen slithered down his body, slowly removing JR’s boxers, and then teased him with her mouth just as he had done to her moments ago. JR pulled her up to him, letting Sue Ellen know he had the upper hand this time.

Before she could react, JR’s mouth was on hers, his tongue forcefully entered her mouth. He continued kissing her this way as he slowly guided her to the bed. Sue Ellen now lay back on the bed, JR’s body inches from hers. Swiftly, he entered her, causing to Sue Ellen to gasp even as she arched her back to meet his thrusts. Wrapping their arms around each other, the two of them were caught up in the moment...Both of them using each other’s bodies....searching for something that was beyond reach....

As JR pounded his manhood, Sue Ellen met his thrusts eagerly, clawing his back for more. Sue Ellen climaxed as JR’s hand brushed over her clitoris....the feel of her spasms sending JR into the same euphoria as his semen spilled into her....

JR collapsed on Sue Ellen for a moment, breathing heavily..... When he tried to pull away, Sue Ellen pulled JR to her.

“Don’t go....stay here with me....I want to feel you close to me...,” she said.

JR laid on his side, pulling Sue Ellen to him so that they were spooning. Hugging her to him, JR forgot all about the events of the past couple of months. Both of them were spent. Just before drifting off into sleep, Sue Ellen started to say something. “JR, I....” she whispered sleepily.

“Did you say something, darlin’?” he asked but there was no response. Sue Ellen was sound asleep. Minutes later, so was JR.

The following morning, JR woke up to the sound of the shower. “Damn,” he said aloud. He hadn’t meant to spend the night....again...

Sue Ellen came out of the shower in a rush. “Good morning, JR,” she said. “Did you sleep well?”

“Like a baby, darlin’.” Patting the bed, he gestured for Sue Ellen to come sit by him.

“Not now, JR, I’m looking at more homes today...”

Smiling, he asked,”Would you like my expert opinion? I’d be glad to accompany you...”

Sue Ellen pursed her lips as she contemplated JR’s offer. “No,” she said shaking her head. “I can handle it.”

Sue Ellen then turned her attention to her reflection in the mirror. Just get ready and get out of here, she told herself as she turned on the blow dryer. Minutes later, her hair now dry, Sue Ellen hurriedly pulled it back into a french twist and applied her make-up in the same hurried manner. JR laid back, watching her in awe....Awe of how beautiful she was with minimal make-up and in awe of her attitude towards him after last night.

Applying her mascara, Sue Ellen looked at JR through the mirror and said,”You can take a shower here if you like..” Finished, she stood up and started to leave.

JR then rose up and followed her to the bedroom door, holding it closed. “Sue Ellen...I thought after last night....”

“You thought what, JR?”

“Well,” he stammered. “Just the way we were....”

“It was a lot of fun, JR....” Kissing him on the cheek, she said,”You were great.”

JR dropped his hand from the door, allowing her to leave....

Sue Ellen left the hotel room and walked to the elevator. “Now, why did I just do that?” she asked herself aloud. Once inside the elevator, she stared at the door to her suite....where she’d just left JR so coldly.....and blinked back her tears as the doors closed.....


For the next month, Sue Ellen didn’t have any contact with JR. Not that she didn’t want to.... She’d telephoned the office a couple of times after their last rendezvous, but he wasn’t available and never returned her calls. In the meantime, Sue Ellen had purchased a house about twenty minutes from SouthFork and was keeping herself busy preparing to have her things moved and decorating it. She’d spent a lot of time with John Ross during that time also....he was really excited that he’d be living so close to both of them...

Sue Ellen walked through her new home....her new empty home at the moment, as she didn’t have everything furnished yet... John Ross had really loved the place. There was a swimming pool and tennis court...

Sue Ellen had been somewhat surprised that she hadn’t run into JR when she’d gone to pick up John Ross at the ranch. Telling herself that JR had probably been busy at the office, she continued through the house until she reached her bedroom. This happened to be the only room that was completely furnished at the moment. “Except for one thing,” she said aloud. She then tried to push all thought of JR out of her head. Obviously, he didn’t like their arrangement.

Making her way back through the house to the kitchen, Sue Ellen nonchalantly opened the refrigerator which was empty.... Looking at the clock she realized it was past two in the afternoon and she hadn’t had anything to eat since breakfast. Putting on her black leather blazer, she decided to go into town and do some furniture shopping...and lunch...


On her way in to Dallas, Sue Ellen had stopped at a coffee shop for an espresso and a doughnut. Now it was evening and the caffeine had worn off, as well as the pathetic lunch... But the day had been productive. She’d picked out several pieces of furniture, including a living room and dining room suit, that would be perfect in her new home. Everything she’d chosen was more for comfort than for looks. For John Ross, she wanted the house to be elegant, yet livable..

Having a hankering for Italian this evening, Sue Ellen went to Scalini’s for dinner since it was only two blocks away. “Table for one,” she said to the hostess.

Once seated, Sue Ellen proceeded to look over the menu. Keeping it simple, she ordered spaghetti. After the waitress was gone, Sue Ellen sat and relished in her solitude. It hadn’t been that many years ago that she would never have dared dining alone....The waitress returned shortly with her Caesar salad. It was about that time the music started. Sue Ellen gazed at the dance floor.... It hadn’t been that long ago... Stop it, she told herself. But her thoughts kept going back to JR. Sue Ellen wasn’t stupid. Obviously, he wasn’t happy with their new relationship.

Over the course of her dinner, Sue Ellen couldn’t help envying the couple on the dance floor. How happy they look, she thought. Not a care in the world.... Why couldn’t things have been that simple for her? The events of the past had hardened her. Sue Ellen could meet the perfect man and it wouldn’t make a difference...

Finished with dinner Sue Ellen paid the waitress, leaving a generous tip, and made her way out of the restaurant. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him. It was him, indeed....dining alone in a corner on the other side of the restaurant. “Might as well say hello,” she said aloud.

Making her way to his table, Sue Ellen greeted him. “Hello JR.”

Startled, JR looked up at her. “Hello, Sue Ellen.”

“How have you been?”

“Good...Busy, as usual....”

“I just wanted to say hello....I was on my way out and saw you here....,” said Sue Ellen.

Pushing his plate aside, JR gestured at an empty seat. “Care to join me?”

“I really need to be getting home now.” Why does he make me so nervous, she asked herself. Sue Ellen couldn’t deny the fact that she’d missed him. Not just in the bedroom either.

Looking at his watch, JR said,”It is getting late isn’t it? By the way, John Ross has gone on and on about your new place. How do you like it?”

“I’m sure I’ll like it much better once I’m settled in. It’s so empty right now.”

“I’m glad you bought close to SouthFork, Sue Ellen.”

“Me too,” she replied. “It makes things a lot easier, doesn’t it?”

“Yes...... it does,” agreed JR.

“It’s on your way home, JR. Would you like to see it?” asked Sue Ellen hopefully. And this time, it didn’t have everything to do with sex...she just didn’t want to be alone...

“I don’t know. I need to be in the office early tomorrow.”

“I understand...Maybe some other time....”replied Sue Ellen hoping she’d hidden her disappointment.

“I’ll bring John Ross over this weekend. You could show me the place then....”

“That sounds nice, JR...Good night...”

“Good night, Sue Ellen.”

In a flash, she was gone. JR had wanted to go with her so desperately. But....he knew nothing would come of it. Sue Ellen had changed. She wasn’t the same woman he had married....twice.... He paid the waitress and headed for his Mercedes....

As JR drove the 40 odd miles back to SouthFork, he replayed his marriage to Sue Ellen over and over in his mind.... If only.... He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something made him turn off the road....at the entrance to Sue Ellen’s driveway....


Sue Ellen piled a couple of pillows on the floor and turned on the television. “Thank God for TV,” she said. Thankfully, her new furniture would be arriving tomorrow. Flipping channels, she was startled when the doorbell rang. She was even more surprised to see JR through the peephole. Opening the door, she said,”JR, this is a surprise.”

“I’m sorry, darlin...I hope it’s not too late.”

“No apology is needed, JR....I was watching TV....Come on in....”

“How do you like it here?”

“I’ll like it a lot better when I get my furniture,” replied Sue Ellen gesturing towards the pillows on the floor.

She then headed back to the living room as JR followed her...loosening his tie as he took a seat on the floor.

“So....what have you been up to for the past month?” asked Sue Ellen.

“Just oil..,” JR replied.

“I called you a couple of times at the office...”

“I know,” admitted JR.

“Why didn’t you call me back?”

“I don’t know...”

“You can be honest with me, JR.”

“It just didn’t feel right....the way things were.....”

Sue Ellen felt a pang of guilt over the way she’d been treating him....”Why did you come here, JR?”

JR looked at Sue Ellen for a moment before responding to her question. God, she looked sexy!!! He had told himself he didn’t care and he didn’t need her....that he wasn’t going to have that type of relationship with her. But....if physically was the only way....then sobeit....

“I missed you, Sue Ellen,” he said as he inched closer to her.

“Please elaborate, Mr. Ewing,” replied Sue Ellen.

JR’s response wasn’t oral...rather it was physical....just as Sue Ellen wanted it... As he teased her with his tongue...first her mouth and then on down to her breasts...the two of them frantically undressed each other...With nothing but their naked bodies between them, JR started to enter her... But Sue Ellen rebuked him by forcing him to lay on his back...Satisfied, Sue Ellen took control...Straddling JR, she rode him.....rode him with all her might.... That is, until the two of them spiraled into that great unknown...both of them relishing in the sardonic pleasure of it....Finally, Sue Ellen stopped convulsing and collapsed on top of him....

There were no words.....how could there be? Sue Ellen unfolded the blanket that lie in front of them...covering their naked bodies... JR pulled her close...thankful...telling himself that it didn’t matter....the way he felt didn’t matter....

Just before drifting to sleep, Sue Ellen came crashing back to earth as the ecstacy wore off..........Don’t let him know how you feel, she repeated to herself.....



Sue Ellen woke the next morning with a grin on her face as she thought back to the night before. Glancing to her right, she realized JR was gone. I must have really been snoozing for me not to have heard him, she thought. Getting up, Sue Ellen decided to shower before breakfast. As she walked through the house, a piece of paper on the counter caught her attention. Sue Ellen could tell by the handwriting that it was a letter from JR. Picking it up, Sue Ellen walked back into the living room and covered herself with the blanket before reading it.

Sue Ellen,

I hope you’re not upset with me for not spending the night. The past few weeks have been wonderful. What I mean is, having you back in my life has been wonderful. I’m not sure how to say this but I have to for my own good. I have to be honest with you....and myself. While I can’t imagine not having you in my life, I cannot go on as we have been. At first, I thought this was what I wanted.....A purely physical relationship, no strings attached. But... I want more.

And so, from this point on, our only connection will be through our son, John Ross. I don’t blame you if you’re angry with me. I’m angry with myself, because... Because, if I hadn’t treated you so terribly when we were husband and wife, we wouldn’t be in the situation we are now. That old saying was right, wasn’t it darlin? Don’t know what you got, til it’s gone....


Sue Ellen read the letter twice to make sure she understood. Then, rolling her eyes, she proceeded to the bathroom for the shower she’d planned on before being interrupted. An hour later, Sue Ellen emerged from her bedroom sporting a khaki pantsuit, grabbed her purse and headed for the door. Before walking out the door, something made her turn around. Walking back to the living room, Sue Ellen retrieved the letter. Folding it, she tucked it into her purse and walked out the door saying, “That’s just what you think, JR Ewing.....”


Sue Ellen strode from the elevator and into the office. “Jackie, is JR in?”

“Hi, Sue Ellen, how have you been?” smiled Jackie. “JR is in his office. Shall I ring him for you?”

“No thanks, Jackie....I think I’ll surprise him,” whispered Sue Ellen.

Sue Ellen then walked across the room to JR’s door. Without knocking, she entered his office. A surprised JR looked up from the geological graphs he’d been pouring over.

“Good morning, JR,” said Sue Ellen sarcastically.

“What brings you here, Sue Ellen? Is something wrong with John Ross?” asked JR.

“No, John Ross is in school.”

“Then, why are you here? Surely, you found my letter....”

Sue Ellen grabbed the letter from her purse, wadded it up, and threw it in JR’s face as she exclaimed,”You mean this?”

“Keep your voice down woman. You don’t want everyone in the office to hear, do you?”

“I don’t give a damn, you bastard.”

“Sue Ellen...”

“No, JR,” interrupted Sue Ellen. “You will listen to me. I am not one of your whores. If you don’t want to see me anymore, be a man about it and tell me...”

“I did...”

“That’s right, JR,” said Sue Ellen sarcastically. “You did, didn’t you? And I thought you had matured beyond the age of 13...”

“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, Sue Ellen.”

“I will say it again, JR. If you have something to say to me, say it to my face. After all these years, I think I deserve at least that....don’t you?”

Hesitating at first, JR answered,”I suppose you’re right, Sue Ellen. Have a seat.”

Sue Ellen sat down on the leather couch. JR got up from his chair and walked over to the couch, taking a seat beside her. “I shouldn’t have left that letter, Sue Ellen, and I apologize.”

“JR, I laid out the terms of this relationship when it first began, remember?”

“I remember. But....as I said in the letter, I can’t allow myself to....”

“To what?”

“I am not your stud service, Sue Ellen. As I said in the letter, I thought I was okay with it at first. What I mean is, we were at each other’s throats both times we were married. But the bedroom was a different matter. You are a woman of tempestuous needs and we were good together in that sense....”

“Please continue, JR,” said Sue Ellen with raised eyebrows. “I am finding this fascinating.”

Ignoring that last comment, JR continued. “I’ll just sum this up for you, Sue Ellen. Either we’re together or we’re not. It’s as simple as that. The ball is in your court now.”

“Is that a fact, JR?” whispered Sue Ellen leaning close to him.

“That’s a fact, Sue Ellen. I want more,” said JR.

“So...if I asked you to take me right here on this couch, you’d turn me down?” she asked seductively.

“Y....ye.....yes...,” stammered JR.

JR sat in shock as Sue Ellen removed her jacket....under which she wore nothing.... She then took advantage of his shock by taking him by the hands....placing them on her bare breasts. JR could feel himself becoming aroused even as he tried to deny it in his mind. “Sue Ellen....”

“Shhhhh,” whispered Sue Ellen. “You don’t want the whole office to hear, do you JR?”

Leaning even closer, Sue Ellen kissed JR....and this time, it was she who parted his lips with her tongue. Forgetting where he was or what he was trying to do, JR found himself kissing Sue Ellen back passionately and then moving on down to her breasts which he still held in his hands....ravaging them with his mouth.

Reality set in with him after a minute or two. “Sue Ellen,” he said breathlessly.

“Tell me you don’t want me, JR, and I’ll leave,” whispered Sue Ellen as she ran her hand over his manhood. “You want me, don’t you JR?”

“Yes....Sue Ellen....I want you...,” replied JR.

The two then began unbuttoning buttons....both of them hungry....hungry for each other. On an emotional level, Sue Ellen forgot all about the fact that she was here merely to punish JR. It wasn’t only that she wanted him....She needed him just as he did her. When he entered her, Sue Ellen gasped aloud. “JR,” she uttered.

“Shhhh, Sue Ellen, .....,” said JR remembering the secretaries just feet from his office.

As JR continued to thrust into her, Sue Ellen found herself...her body....heading into that oblivion...... Just before JR reached his climax, he touched her in that spot....that spot that sends women into ecstacy....and spilled himself into her....both of them climaxing together.....

The two of them collapsed on the couch. JR pulled Sue Ellen to him, holding her body close. I have to tell her, he thought. Knowing he had to do it now, he kissed her neck softly and then said,”Sue Ellen....I.....lo....”

Sue Ellen relished in the power she held over JR. She knew when she entered his office he couldn’t resist her. But, she did feel a little guilty. The guilt stemmed from the fact that she was becoming attached to JR.....on an emotional level just as he had become attached to her. The thought of becoming attached that way was terrifying. She’d been through it too many times. Before JR could finish what he was saying.....and what she knew he was saying....Sue Ellen rose up from his grasp. “I need to be going now, JR.”

Motioning to her, JR smiled and then asked,”Just stay a while here with me?”

I have to get out of here now, Sue Ellen said to herself as she hurriedly dressed.

“Sue Ellen?”

“That was a lot of fun, JR. We’ll have to do that again sometime,” said Sue Ellen wickedly before turning and walking out the door....trying to ignore the hurt on JR’s face.....and her own hurt for turning away love....the love she’d been seeking her entire life.......




JR started to call out to her but thought better of it. “She could have at least had the courtesy to shut the damn door,” he said aloud. How am I going to get out of this one, JR thought to himself. Lying down on the couch, JR was sure noone could see him...or that he was naked for that matter. Glancing about the room, he realized his clothing was several feet away. If he got up from the couch, he’d have to pass by the door to retrieve them. JR continued to lay back on the couch....silently cursing Sue Ellen.

“Sly,” called out JR. “Are you out there?”

He could hear Sly approaching his office. “JR?” she asked looking about the room.

“I’m over here, Sly.”

“JR, are you alri....?” asked Sly before being interrupted.

“Don’t come in here, Sly. Just close the door.”

“What?” asked Sly, completely puzzled.

“Just close the door, Sly,” he then commanded.

Once he heard the door click shut, JR got dressed and went to the bar, proceeding to pour himself a drink. Holding his glass out, he toasted Sue Ellen. “Touche`, darlin...You may have won this round, but ole JR has a few tricks up his sleeve...”


Sue Ellen picked up the newspaper and walked into the living room, settling in on the couch. The leather couch..... She suddenly thought of that last encounter with JR....on the leather couch in his office... She’d been tempted to call him but thought better of it. He wasn’t at the ranch the last two times she’d been there to drop off John Ross. He’s avoiding me, she thought. Sue Ellen hated to admit it, but she missed him. Since she’d returned from London, JR had proven himself to be a friend...someone she could talk to.... JR was still as good in bed as he ever was, which was another plus.

“He can’t still be mad,” said Sue Ellen as she reached for the phone and started to dial the number to his office. Suddenly, she hung the phone up without allowing it to ring. “No,” she then said.

Turning on the television, Sue Ellen idly flipped through the channels. Finding nothing to her liking, she put her favorite movie in the VCR....Gone With the Wind.... As the credits came on the screen, Sue Ellen reflected on how fitting it was that this was her favorite movie. It was her life, in a way....a love story between a scoundrel and a Southern belle. She’d was about halfway through the movie when the doorbell rang. Looking at the clock, she realized it was almost midnight. Who can that be, she thought. Looking through the peephole, she was surprised to find out it was JR. Unlocking the deadbolt, she opened the door.

“JR,” she greeted him.

“Evenin’, Sue Ellen. May I come in?”

“Come on in, JR....I was just watching a movie....”

Looking into the living room, JR joked,”Oh....Gone With the Wind...have you ever seen it?”

Sue Ellen smirked. “Very funny, JR...What brings you here?”

“Well....I had a late business meeting and was on my way home.....and thought I’d stop in to see what you’ve been up to.”

“I’ve been busy with the house, that’s about all. It’s getting kind of boring, actually,” said Sue Ellen. She was secretly overjoyed to see JR but hoped he couldn’t see that.

“You’re bored, darlin’? Are you thinking of going back to work?”

“I’m not sure what I’m going to do, JR. But I am sure of one thing....I can’t stay couped up here for the rest of my life. I need something useful to do.”

“I’m sure you’ll find something. Have you thought about going back into the lingerie business?”

“Yes,” she answered. “I did think about it. But that’s not what I want to do. I am going to get re-involved with the DOA, so that should fill up some of my time.” Changing the subject, Sue Ellen asked,”What kind of business meeting did you have this evening, JR, if you don’t mind me asking?”

She was finding this conversation to be very enjoyable. It was nice to talk to someone who really listened to what she had to say.

“Oh, Jordan Lee and I are going into a joint venture on some Alaskan oil fields. We met at the Cattlemen’s to go over some figures.”

“I see,” said Sue Ellen, looking over at the television. The movie had reached the scene where Scarlett finds Rhett drunk in the dining room after Ashley’s birthday party....where Rhett grabs Scarlett into a passionate kiss and then carries her up the staircase for a night of passion....JR had continued to ramble on about the Alaskan deal but none of it registered with Sue Ellen. A sullen look was on her face as she wondered why life couldn’t be like the movies...

“Sue Ellen? Are you listening to me?” asked JR. She’s playing right into my hands, thought JR.

Snapping back to reality, Sue Ellen looked at JR. “I’m sorry, JR. I was just thinking....”

“What were you thinking about?” asked a curious JR.

“Do you.....do you think you’ll ever marry again? I mean...do you think you’ll ever fall in love again?”

“I don’t know, darlin’....It’s not something I think about much.” Casting his eyes downward, he continued....knowing exactly what he was doing.. “I mean...I had love once and wasted it. I may have used up my chances...” JR meant what he said. He’d thought about this quite often, in fact. But he told himself not to think about it and focus on the task at hand.

“You did? You had love, JR?” asked Sue Ellen. “Who was she? Mandy?”

JR scowled at the mention of Mandy. “Sue Ellen, I think that was a little uncalled for...”

“I know,” laughed Sue Ellen. “I just like getting you all worked up sometimes.”

JR laughed then. “You’ve become quite the comedian, darlin.” They both laughed for a bit...until an uncomfortable silenced worked it’s way into the room. “Now, Sue Ellen, getting back to the subject, do you think you could fall in love again?”

Sue Ellen stared into those striking blue eyes of his for a moment before answering. “I don’t know, JR. I suppose anything is possible. I’m keeping my options open.”

“That’s the spirit, Sue Ellen.” JR wanted to blurt out that he did have love...right in front of him...but stuck with the plan.

“Would you like a drink, JR?” asked Sue Ellen.

“Bourbon and branch, if you please,” replied JR.

“I’ll be right back.” Sue Ellen walked to the mini-bar and proceeded to make JR’s favorite drink. It was all she could do to contain herself. She wanted him....all of him... But she knew that was impossible. With that thought still in mind, Sue Ellen was quite surprised to feel JR’s hot breath on her neck....and then soft kisses....

JR turned Sue Ellen around to face him. “We’ve always got each other...don’t we, darlin?” JR then kissed Sue Ellen passionately on the mouth. As he pressed his strong lips on down her neck, Sue Ellen felt herself giving in.

“Take me to bed, JR,” she whispered.

JR then swept Sue Ellen off her feet and carried her to the bedroom. The two of them manically removed each other’s clothing until there was nothing between them. JR brought Sue Ellen to him....the mere touch of his hot lips to her breasts was almost enough to send Sue Ellen into euphoria.... Pulling away from him, Sue Ellen found herself doing something she hadn’t done since she and JR were married.....kneeling down, she took him in her mouth....going all the way down... JR lost his breath for a moment... Sue Ellen was always good with fellatio, he thought, as she went down on him... She was always so eager, unlike the other women he’d been with...

“That feels good, Sue Ellen....”

Finally, JR pulled her up to him again...There they were...face to face... Lying Sue Ellen down on her back, JR thrust himself into her.. As he rubbed her clitoris, JR asked tenderly,”How does that feel, darlin?”

Sue Ellen couldn’t answer him. She could only nod as the waves of pleasure took over... The feeling that he’d pleased Sue Ellen was enough to send JR over the edge now. After he’d climaxed, JR stayed inside Sue Ellen for several minutes....kissing her softly....tender, loving kisses...

JR waited until he was sure Sue Ellen was asleep before getting up from the bed. Now fully dressed, he touched Sue Ellen on the arm to awaken her. “JR,” she asked sleepily. “You’re not leaving?”

“Sue Ellen, did you really think I was going to spend the night?”

Sue Ellen was shocked at JR’s cold demeanor. “Yes, JR, I did think you would spend the night after....”

What was to follow was even more shocking to Sue Ellen. Tossing three one-hundred dollar bills on top of the bed, JR continued,”You were an excellent partner, Sue Ellen. And....I thank you for your generosity....”

“What’s this?” asked Sue Ellen angrily, holding the bills in the air.

“It’s your payment for a job well done,” said JR coldly. “Now...you take that and buy yourself something real nice with it, okay?”

“I can’t believe you, you bastard! After this....after we...what about us, JR?” asked Sue Ellen, nearly in tears now. She was disappointed with her demeanor now as Sue Ellen had made a promise to herself not to allow emotions to get in the way when it came to JR.

“What was that, darlin?” asked JR.

“I said.....what about us?”

“Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.” And with that, he walked out the door.




Sue Ellen sat dumbfounded for a moment after he was gone. She knew JR had set her up for this. There was no way he’d let her by with what she’d done to him at the office that day. As she planned her next move, Sue Ellen smiled to herself, knowing subtlety was going to be very important as JR had absolutely no trust in her at this point.

The next morning, Sue Ellen woke up early. Putting on a robe over her nightgown, she went to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. Taking a seat at the bar, she thumbed through the mail. Most of it was junk mail, but one envelope caught her attention. It was her invitation to the Oil Baron’s Ball, which she noticed was only three weeks away. This gave her the perfect excuse to go shopping. Finished with her coffee, Sue Ellen decided to take a shower and head into town.


Everyone was seated for breakfast out by the swimming pool. “Well, I certainly hope this year’s Oil Baron’s Ball will actually be enjoyable for everyone.”

“What do you mean by that, Mama?” asked JR.

“You of all people should know what she’s talking about, JR,” said Bobby. “It’s been years since I’ve been to one that didn’t involve a fight or some other drama.”

“I know what you mean, Bob,” replied JR. “I have to say I’m in agreement with you. After all, this is John Ross’ first Oil Baron’s Ball.”

“Really Dad? I get to go this year?” asked John Ross, suddenly interested in the conversation.

“That’s right son. Speaking of that, we need to get you fitted for a tux.”

“I remember your first Oil Baron’s Ball, JR,” smiled Miss Ellie. “You were quite the ladies man.”

“You can’t be serious, Mama! JR.....a ladies man?” kidded Bobby.

“Bobby, can we get through one meal....”

“Now, stop it you two,” scolded Miss Ellie.

“I was only kidding with him, Mama.” said Bobby. “What happened to you, JR? You’ve gone from a ladies man to.....well, you don’t have a date for the ball and it’s only 3 weeks away.”

“Have I ever had trouble finding a date, Bob?” asked JR, irritated with his brother’s heckling. “Just don’t worry yourself about it.”

“Don’t worry about not having a date, JR,” said Clayton. “There’s always Marilee....”

Standing up, JR threw his napkin down on the table. “If you’ll excuse me, I’ve suddenly lost my appetite. John Ross, let’s go into town and get that tuxedo.”

John Ross followed JR into the house as everyone broke out in laughter. “You two should be ashamed of yourselves,” laughed Miss Ellie.

“I’m sorry, Ellie, I....just couldn’t help myself,” apologized Clayton.


Deciding to go for a simple, yet elegant look, Sue Ellen purchased a long, black, halter top style dress with a deep v neckline finished with a front clasp. The back featured three criss-crossing straps that also finished with a clasp. As she exited the store, Sue Ellen literally bumped into April Stevens. “I’m sorry....”

“Sue Ellen,” exclaimed April. “How are you? I’ve been meaning to come by and just haven’t had a chance to yet.”

“It’s good to see you, April,” said Sue Ellen, and she meant it. She’d always liked April but had never had the chance to really get to know her. “I was just about to have lunch. Would you like to join me?”

“Sure...It’ll give us a chance to catch up,” smiled April.

Over lunch, April filled Sue Ellen in on what had happened and why she’d gone into hiding. “It’s taken me a long time, but I think I’m finally regaining Bobby’s trust.”

“I’m glad, April, I really am,” said Sue Ellen.

“So....what’s going on in your life, Sue Ellen?” asked April.

“Well, I’ve been really busy settling into my new house. But, to be honest, I’m getting bored.”

“Bored? How?”

“I miss work....not necessarily the lingerie business. I just need to find something useful to do.”

Thinking, April said,”I have an idea...I’m not sure how you’d feel about it, but...I could use another person to help me run the restaurant. There’s not much to it, actually....just make sure the customer’s are happy, really. How about it?”

“Thanks for asking, April, but I don’t know a thing about the restaurant business,” replied Sue Ellen.

“I’ll take care of the operations, so you won’t have to worry about that...”

“Well, I’ll think about it. I’m not sure what I want to do right now.”

After lunch, Sue Ellen embraced April. “It’s been a real pleasure seeing you again, April. We’ll have to do this more often.”

“I was just thinking the same thing, Sue Ellen.” Looking at the plastic-draped dress Sue Ellen was carrying, April asked,”Tell me....what’s the special occasion?”

“Oh...this? It’s my dress for the Oil Baron’s Ball. I guess I’ll see you there with Bobby....”

April nodded. “And who is the lucky man?”

“Actually, I’m going solo.”

“I see. Well, you’re certainly going to turn heads in that....it’s beautiful.”

“Thank you,” said Sue Ellen. “I hate to go now, but JR will be bringing John Ross home soon.”

“Goodbye, Sue Ellen, and please think about helping with the restaurant. I meant what I said.”

“I will. Goodbye now.”


Sue Ellen had only been home about 15 minutes when JR showed up with John Ross.

“Mama, check out my tux..Isn’t it cool?” asked John Ross.

“You’ll be the finest looking young man there, John Ross. Now, take it to your room and hang it up so that it doesn’t get messed up,” smiled Sue Ellen.

“Yes ma’am,”said John Ross as he ran down the hall.

Sue Ellen turned to JR. “Hello,” she said trying to act as if nothing had happened.

“Hello, Sue Ellen. John Ross is really excited about the ball.”

“I can tell. I’ll bet the two of you had a good time....”

“Yeah...well, I need to get going now....” said JR turning to walk back to his Mercedes.

I wonder if he has a date, thought Sue Ellen. I wonder if.... “JR,” she called out.

“What do you want, Sue Ellen?” asked JR somewhat coldly as he turned to face her.

“I was wondering...”


“Never mind, JR. Goodbye,” she said closing the door behind her. Why would I even think of such a thing, Sue Ellen asked herself. Going down the hall to John Ross’ bedroom, she knocked on the door.

“Come in,” called out John Ross.

“Tell me about your day, John Ross. Did you have a good time?”

“The best! I can’t wait to go to the ball.”

“You’re growing up so fast. I have an idea. How would you like to escort me to the ball?”

“Sure thing, Momma. But....I already promised Ashley Stone I’d dance with her, if that’s okay?”

Sue Ellen cringed at the mention of Marilee’s daughter but didn’t discourage him. Ashley was a nice girl and, after all, she couldn’t help the fact that her mother’s a tramp....Just like John Ross it’s not John Ross’ fault his father is a bastard.....

“Momma? What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry, John Ross, I was just thinking about something. Good night,” she said kissing him on the forehead.

Three weeks seemed to fly by. Sue Ellen finished getting ready. Checking her appearance one last time, she was satisfied. The dress showed off her well-toned arms quite nicely, she thought. She was surprised to find John Ross waiting for her in the living room.

“John Ross, you look very handsome,” said Sue Ellen. She couldn’t help tearing up a little at the sight of him. He was almost a teenager now. In a few years he’d be off to college and...

“What’s wrong, Momma? Is something wrong with my tux?” asked John Ross.

“Nothing’s wrong with your tuxedo, John Ross. It’s just that....seeing you in it reminded me that you’re not a little boy anymore....”

“Oh Momma....not again...” he muttered.

Sue Ellen laughed at the scowl on his face. “I guess it’s time to go, John Ross,”said Sue Ellen, picking up her purse.

“I’ll be right back. I forgot something in my room,” said John Ross.

Coming back from his room, John Ross held out a wrist corsage. “This is for you.”

“How nice, John Ross,” exclaimed Sue Ellen as John Ross slid it on her wrist.

“Grandma helped me pick it out,” he said.

“It’s lovely...and very thoughtful of you. I guess we should be leaving now....I thought your father would have stopped by to see you before the ball....”

“He did....”

“JR stopped by?” asked Sue Ellen.

“While you were getting ready...he helped me with my tux...,” replied John Ross.

“Who is your father taking to the ball?”

“I don’t know. I didn’t ask him,” replied John Ross, secretly wishing the three of them were going to the ball together.

The ball had just gotten underway when Sue Ellen and John Ross arrived. Sue Ellen was so proud of him. He was such a gentleman, escorting her into the ballroom...her arm tucked in his. Miss Ellie and Clayton spotted them first. “You look wonderful, Sue Ellen,” said Clayton, kissing her on the cheek.

“Thank you, Clayton. You look good yourself....”

“It’s good to see you, Sue Ellen. Come sit with us,” said Miss Ellie.

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, Miss Ellie....”

“Nonsense, you’re John Ross’ mother and you should be with him. I won’t accept no as an answer,” said Miss Ellie.

“I suppose you’re right, Miss Ellie,” agreed Sue Ellen as she took a seat at the Ewing table.

Bobby and April arrived not long after Sue Ellen had joined Miss Ellie and Clayton. John Ross had found some friends and had joined them. April sat down beside Sue Ellen. “I’m so glad you’re here, Sue Ellen.”

“Thanks,” smiled Sue Ellen. “I love that dress, April. It looks great on you.”

April leaned over and whispered,”Let’s just hope Bobby likes it better off than he does on.”

Sue Ellen laughed aloud which drew Miss Ellie’s attention. “What are you girls laughing at?”

Quickly covering, April said,”Oh we’re just laughing at the stud of the day Marilee has on her arm.”

Miss Ellie looked at the two of them, not sure whether to believe them, but didn’t push the issue.

Sue Ellen’s good mood faded quickly as JR approached the table. “Evenin’ everyone,” he said. JR quickly glanced at Sue Ellen as she stood up to greet Punk and Mavis. Damn, he thought, she looks good! But then again, he told himself, Sue Ellen always does. JR then excused himself from the table as he spotted Jordan Lee across the room.

Once the music started, everyone headed to the dance floor, leaving Sue Ellen alone. She gazed at the floor somewhat wistfully, remembering past Oil Baron’s Balls. Then, her eyes fell on John Ross who was dancing with Ashley Stone. Always after the girls, she thought....like father, like son....

“You’re looking good, Sue Ellen.”

Sue Ellen looked up at JR. He’s even sexier now than he was when we married, she thought. “I could say the same about you, JR.”

Looking around the room and then back to Sue Ellen, JR continued. “I didn’t see your date. Where is he?”

“I came alone, JR,”replied Sue Ellen sarcastically.

“Didn’t mean to touch a nerve, darlin’,” said JR.

“And where is your date.....darlin?” asked Sue Ellen, grinning evilly.

Ignoring the question, JR changed the subject. “What are you doing here at the Ewing table, Sue Ellen? The last time I checked, we were divorced....”

“For your information, JR, your mother asked me to sit here. Now this is John Ross’ first Oil Baron’s Ball and I have no intention of ruining it for him by getting into an argument with you,” replied Sue Ellen.

JR knew he’d gone too far. “You’re right, Sue Ellen.” Walking away, he mocked the fact that she was sitting there alone. “I hope you enjoy your solitude.”

As JR made his way to the bar the song ended. Miss Ellie and Clayton returned to the table.

“Bobby and April seem to be enjoying themselves,” commented Clayton.

“They certainly do,” smiled Miss Ellie. “So am I.”

At the bar, JR ordered a bourbon & branch and watched Sue Ellen over the rim of his glass. “Why did I treat her like that?” he mumbled. His regretfulness quickly turned to anger when he saw Jeremy Wendell approach the Ewing table....and then Sue Ellen following him out to the dance floor... Until tonight, the two of them had barely spoken, since that last time they were together...the night Sue Ellen really wanted him...at least he thought she did. JR had wanted so much to give in to her that night, but after the way she’d treated him, he just couldn’t put himself out there. He watched the two of them for a minute but couldn’t take it any longer. No matter what was going on between them, he wasn’t going to sit back and watch her dance with Wendell of all people! Slowly, he made his way through the crowd and onto the dance floor.

“May I cut in?” he asked.

Sue Ellen eyed him sharply. “JR, didn’t I tell you.....”

“It’s okay, Sue Ellen. It’s been a real pleasure,” he said before walking away, leaving JR and Sue Ellen alone on the dance floor.

JR moved to embrace Sue Ellen. “I can’t believe you, JR,” she said and then walked away, leaving him alone. As she walked away, Sue Ellen could have swore she saw a few snickers from lookers on.

As Sue Ellen retook her seat at the table, she silently scolded herself for leaving JR that way. After all, she’d been the one to tell JR they needed to be civil for John Ross’ sake. She also reminded herself that she had a job to do. It was now her turn in that game of chess she and JR’d been playing. As the song ended, Punk Anderson took the stage and announced it was now time for the awards. Everyone took a seat at their assigned tables. John Ross took a seat between his mother and father, ignoring what he’d witnessed between the two of them on the dance floor. Punk handed out several awards, Miss Ellie joined him to announce the winners of the Ewing Scholarship. Once they were finished, Miss Ellie rejoined everyone at the table.

“And now,” announced Punk,”It’s time to present the Oil Baron of the Year Award. The winner of this year’s award has been a member of the oil community for a long time. Through the years, this man has done a great deal for the oil business, ensuring the independent oil men are still a force to be reckoned with. It is my pleasure, folks, to announce the Oil Man of the Year...the son of the best friend I ever had.....Mr. J.R. Ewing II...”

JR didn’t realize he’d won at first....that is, until everyone at the table stood up and made their way toward him. As the room burst in applause and shouts out to JR, rose up from his seat, hugging Miss Ellie first, and then making his way to the podium.

He didn’t see Sue Ellen beaming at him, tears in her eyes. She of all people knew what this award meant to him.

JR finally reached the podium. “First, I would like to thank the people who chose me for this award. I know many of you in this room do not think of me as a friend. But, I have always had what’s best for the independent oil men of the great state of Texas at heart. I hope you believe that. The fact you’ve chosen me for this award is just....overwhelming. On behalf of myself and my family, thank you once again. And to my family....I couldn’t have done it without you...Especially my son, John Ross, who I am proud to say is in attendance tonight...” JR tried to keep from becoming emotional now. How he wished his Daddy could see him now! “I won’t keep you here all night, folks...but....there’s someone I’d like to dedicate this award to. Someone who couldn’t be here tonight. Daddy, this one’s for you!” said JR holding the award high in the air.

Everyone continued to applaud as JR made his way back to the table. Clayton made his way to JR. “JR, I know you and I have never seen eye to eye...but...and I hope you don’t take this the wrong way....I just want to say I’m proud of you....”

As Clayton grabbed JR’s hand and shook it, he replied,”Thank you, Clayton....I know you mean that....”

Sue Ellen was in actual torment now with her emotions. What should she do? She knew what she had to do. Though she hated to take advantage of his emotions, Sue Ellen knew she had to for her own sake. She couldn’t let JR have the upper hand. But, truthfully, all she wanted to do was go to him and ask for.....No! She wasn’t going to let emotions get in the way this time.

As Punk announced for the party to get started again, everyone headed back out to the dance floor. Everyone, that is, except for....JR and Sue Ellen.
Sue Ellen took an empty seat beside JR. “Congratulations, JR. I know this award means a lot to you.”

“Thank you Sue Ellen. I’ve wanted it for so long...it doesn’t seem real.”

“I know you did,” said Sue Ellen.

“I just wish....I wish Daddy could have seen me....Maybe then, he would have....”

Sue Ellen interrupted him. “I’m sure Jock’s up there looking down at you, JR.”

“You know what? I think you’re right, Sue Ellen.”

“Would you like to dance, JR?”

“Are you sure? I mean, I don’t want to put you out, Sue Ellen.”

Sue Ellen noted the bitter sarcasm in his voice. “I promise you, I won’t storm off again. I thought you didn’t give a damn, anyway...”

“Let’s dance, Sue Ellen, before we make a scene again.”

JR led Sue Ellen onto the dance floor and the two of them melted into each other.....the way they always had in the past.

They continued to dance throughout the night...long after everyone else had gone home. John Ross had returned to SouthFork with Miss Ellie and Clayton. Finally, the band leader announced this was the last song and began to play Unchained Melody. Sue Ellen could feel herself giving into him, as much as she didn’t want to. She kept reminding herself to stick with the plan. With JR winning the award tonight, everything was exactly the way she’d wanted it to. As the song ended, JR and Sue Ellen continued to sway together for a moment. “I just don’t want this night to end,”whispered JR.

Looking deep into his eyes, Sue Ellen replied,”I don’t want it to end either.”

“Do you really mean that, Sue Ellen?” asked JR warily.

“More than you could every know, JR,” said Sue Ellen. The truth was that Sue Ellen meant every word she said. It was all she could do to contain herself and not abandon her plan.

“Let’s go somewhere else and celebrate,” said JR.

“I just want the two of us to go somewhere alone, JR,” whispered Sue Ellen as she kissed him softly on the lips.

JR was somewhat shocked at this. “Where would you like to go, Sue Ellen? To a club for more dancing?”

“My feet are killing me, to tell the truth,” she replied.

“Why don’t we go to your place,” said JR.

Shaking her head, Sue Ellen said,”I don’t want to go home...I am hungry though....how about the Hylton for a late supper?”

“Let’s get out of here then,” agreed JR. Helping Sue Ellen with her shawl, the two of them made their way to JR’s limo.

Over the course of their dinner, JR caught Sue Ellen up on his new oil deal with the cartel and Sue Ellen told JR of April asking her to help out at the restaurant. “Maybe you could do that for a while...until you find something you’re really interested in, Sue Ellen.”

Sue Ellen nodded silently in agreement. Once the dishes had been cleared, JR held Sue Ellen’s hand across the table. “Thank you for celebrating with me, Sue Ellen. You have no idea how much it means to me.”

“I think I do, JR.”

“I’ve really enjoyed being with you, Sue Ellen. I wish this night didn’t have to end,” smiled JR.

“Well....it’s not over yet, is it?” asked Sue Ellen. Now was the time.

“I know things haven’t been good between us....but....”

“Let’s try to forget about all that, JR. This evening has been so pleasant. Why, even Cliff Barnes didn’t cause a scene tonight,” said Sue Ellen.

JR laughed aloud at that comment. “I suppose you’re right. To be honest, and I know this is forward of me, I just don’t want to be alone tonight.”

“Are you thinking the same thing I am?” asked Sue Ellen seductively.

“Would you like to stay here with me, Sue Ellen? I promise nothing but the best....the biggest suite in the place....the biggest....”

“Let’s get out of here,” said Sue Ellen.

After checking in, JR and Sue Ellen rode up the elevator to the penthouse suite. JR opened the door, allowing Sue Ellen to enter ahead of him. Sue Ellen strode across the suite to the french doors...opening them and stepping out onto the balcony. “Come look at the view, JR,” she called out to him. “Every star in the sky is out for you tonight.”

JR approached Sue Ellen. Now behind her, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her close to him. “Out for us, Sue Ellen,” he whispered as he kissed her on the neck...softly at first....

Sue Ellen turned to face him. “For us,” she whispered. Before she knew it, JR’s mouth was on hers....kissing her with a wanting.....a ferociousness she’d never felt from him in all their time together... And, surprisingly, Sue Ellen felt herself giving in to him. JR moved on down to Sue Ellen’s breasts, taking a nipple in his mouth as he began to undo her dress.

Suddenly, Sue Ellen snapped back to reality and knew what she had to do. Pulling away, Sue Ellen said,”Allow me, JR...” And she said it in her most seductive voice... Undoing his tie and shirt, Sue Ellen pressed her lips to his chest...ever so slowly making her way down his stomach...

“Mmmmmmm,” groaned JR aloud as Sue Ellen undid his trousers, taking his already erect manhood in her mouth. He wanted her so badly! No woman had ever been able to compare to Sue Ellen. And there’d been so many of them! Sue Ellen continued going down on him....not allowing him to take control....When she was sure he was ready to explode, Sue Ellen stood up suddenly.

“Good night now, Mr. Oil Baron,” she said coldly, walking through the suite towards the door.

“Where are you going, Sue Ellen? I thought......”

“You thought what, JR?” asked Sue Ellen.

“Well....after tonight, I thought.....well....you just can’t leave me like this, Sue Ellen,” said JR almost frantically.

“I can....and I will,” said Sue Ellen.

“You are a cold heartless bitch, Sue Ellen.”

Staring at JR’s still erect penis, Sue Ellen retorted. “You need to have that taken care of, JR. But....by tomorrow it should be okay, I think.....After all, in the words of the great Scarlett O’Hara, tomorrow is another day. Good night now....” And one cold look later, she was gone....




Two weeks later, JR looked over some reports on the Alaskan oil fields. The results from the first drilling were very promising. But, for some reason, he couldn’t focus on work now. That game he and Sue Ellen had been playing kept running through his mind. Why did they continue to do this to each other? And this last time....he was still furious with her over that one! But, it went much deeper than anger. JR was really hurt by the way Sue Ellen had treated him the night of the Oil Baron’s Ball. After all, she knew. She was the only one who knew...Sue Ellen was the only person JR had ever confessed to about it. And, what did she do? He finally won that award JR had coveted so much all his life. And Sue Ellen rewarded him by leaving him humiliated.


Sue Ellen settled in for yet another lonely night. JR hadn’t called. But she really hadn’t expected him to. Not after the way she’d treated him, anyway. Looking back on that night, Sue Ellen felt nothing but regret. She’d never been one to purposely hurt anyone....even JR! But, this time she knew she had crossed the line. He’d never forgive her now. As much as she wished she could take it back, Sue Ellen decided that what’s done is done. She had also decided to take up April on her offer. Nothing on the television appealed to her tonight, so she turned of the television set and headed to bed.


The next day, JR was busy with meetings throughout the afternnoon. When the last meeting had ended, he looked at the clock and realized he’d never make it back to SouthFork in time for dinner. Deciding to have dinner in town, he phoned the ranch to let Teresa know not to set a place for him this evening. As he headed out of the office, he noticed Sly still at work on her computer.

“You can go home now, Sly,” said JR.

“I was just finishing up that report you asked for, JR,” replied Sly, looking up from her work.

“It can wait til tomorrow. Good night.”

Just as he pushed the button for the elevator, JR decided he didn’t want to have dinner alone. Sly was slightly startled when JR walked back in. “JR? Is there something I can do for you?”

“I was thinking, Sly....it is getting late and I’m sure you haven’t had dinner yet. How would you like to accompany me to dinner?”

Sly was taken aback at JR’s request. “Are you sure, JR?”

“Grab your purse, darlin’. Let’s get out of here,” he grinned back.


“So far, so good,” said Sue Ellen under her breath. Her first day running April’s restaurant had gone quite smoothly. Sue Ellen was a fast learner. And she found that she was enjoying herself. It was nice to be with people again. Sue Ellen was glancing at the reservation list, when she was startled by a familiar voice.

“Table for two, please.”

Sue Ellen looked up at JR....and Sly.... “JR? I’m surprised to see you here,” she said quickly.

JR hadn’t noticed Sue Ellen at first either. He quickly composed himself. “I suppose I have the right to go out for dinner once in a while, don’t I?” asked JR sarcastically.

Sue Ellen glared at him for a moment. “I suppose you do, JR. I’ll get you....and your guest a table.”

As she waited for the hostess to appear, Sue Ellen tried in vain to make small talk with JR. “Working late?”

“Yes....I was. But it’s not like that is any of your business,” retorted JR.

His cross words cut like a knife. JR didn’t fool Sue Ellen. The hostess appeared and showed JR and Sly to their table. Sly was silently wishing she’d gone home an ordered a pizza. She’d never felt so awkward in her life. She offer Sue Ellen a quick “hello” before following JR to their table. And JR didn’t make things any better. He remained silent as they looked over the menus. When the waiter asked for their drink order, he barked,”Bourbon & Branch” and didn’t even wait to see if she wanted anything.

Sly was thankful when dinner finally arrived. She couldn’t help noticing JR staring at Sue Ellen as they waited for their food.

But, apparently, JR wasn’t happy when supper arrived either. He’d barely cut into his steak before he stopped the waiter. “This steak is completely unacceptable, young man”

“I apologize, Mr. Ewing. Is it not cooked to your specifications?”

“It most certainly is not,” replied JR, slamming his utensils down. Sly cringed in embarrassment.

“I do apologize, Mr. Ewing. I can bring you out another one....”

“That won’t be necessary. Can I please speak with your manager?”

“Mr. Ewing.......”

“I want to have a word with the manager of this establishment!” barked JR.

“Yes sir,” said the waiter as he hurried off.

“JR, maybe I should go...,” said Sly, as she had lost her appetite at this point.

JR ignored her.

Sue Ellen had gotten over the shock of seeing JR this evening. Everything had gone well, she thought. That is....until one of the waiter’s told her there was a problem. Making her way to the table, Sue Ellen hesitated as she realized it was JR who had the problem. As professional as possible, Sue Ellen made her way to his table.

“Is there something I can help you with?”

“Yes, there is,” said JR sharply. “You can fire that clown you call a chef and get some decent help around here.”

“If something’s wrong with your food, I can send it back,” offered Sue Ellen.

“You are in charge, am I correct?” asked JR loudly.

“Yes....I am....”

Throwing his napkin down, JR stood up. “It’s quite obvious to me that you have no idea how to run a restaurant! The drinks are watered down. The food is terrible.”

“JR....please....” pleaded Sue Ellen, looking around at the customers who now focused their attention on the two of them.

“Please? All I wanted was a decent meal....The Waffle House has better steaks than this place! And I, for one, certainly plan to avoid this establishment in the future...”

With that, JR threw down a twenty and walked out. Sly followed him, looking back at Sue Ellen apologetically.

When he was gone, Sue Ellen felt the tears come to her eyes. Tears of embarrassment.....This had been her first night running the restaurant. Sue Ellen had been tense all evening, worrying about messing up. Everything had gone smoothly until now. And...in one moment....it had become an ultimate failure... Tears of humiliation flooded her eyes and flowed down her cheeks. But, she wouldn’t let this overcome her. Instead of running, and she did want to run...Sue Ellen stayed until the restaurant had closed. Once she was certain everything was ready for the morning crew, Sue Ellen left. On the drive home, her tears turned to anger.....anger for JR Ewing....and how he’d humiliated her tonight!

JR dropped Sly off at her apartment and headed north to SouthFork. Over the course of the drive, he was overcome with guilt. “Why did I do that?” he asked aloud. Sure, he’d wanted revenge...but not this way....Not public humiliation. He decided to stop off in Braddock for a drink. After a couple of drinks, he got back into his Mercedes. As he neared the exit for Sue Ellen’s place, he turned on the blinker....


Sue Ellen was relieved the night was over and that she was back home. What had seemed good at first had turned into a nightmare. What if those people were regulars of April’s, she thought. What if they never come back? “A cup of tea will settle my nerves,” she said aloud.

Sue Ellen was on her way to the living room with her tea when the doorbell rang. Looking through the peephole, Sue Ellen saw it was JR. As she turned to walk back to the living room, she heard him call out,”Please Sue Ellen....let me in! I’m sorry.”

Turning back, Sue Ellen unlocked the door and let him in. “What was that I heard? Could it be the great JR Ewing apologizing?” she asked sarcastically.

JR walked into the foyer. Holding his stetson in his hands, he continued,”I mean it, Sue Ellen...I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? You’re sorry now??? I think the damage is done, JR!”

JR took one look at Sue Ellen and knew she’d been crying. Her tear-swollen eyes gave her away.

“This was my first night, JR! How could you?”

“It was terrible of me, Sue Ellen. It’s just that.....”

“It’s just what, JR? Please enlighten me....”

Sue Ellen stormed into the dining room with JR in tow. “Sue Ellen....after what you did to me after the Oil Baron’s....”

“What about everything you’ve done to me since I’ve known you?” asked Sue Ellen.

“Please hear me out, Sue Ellen. I wanted to get back at you after that night....but please believe me when I say I’m sorry. I never meant to....”

“Well, you did JR! Are you happy now? Or....is revenge not as sweet as you thought?”

“No....it wasn’t,” he said honestly. “I......”

JR was interrupted by a saucer flying at him. As it crashed into the wall...breaking into a million pieces....he tried to gather himself. “Sue Ellen, there’s no need to....”

“Have I ever hurt you publicly, JR?” asked Sue Ellen.

“No, Sue Ellen, you haven’t,” answered JR. “And...if I could take it back, I would in a hearbeat...”

The sincerity in his eyes showed Sue Ellen what she already knew in the back of her mind. She’d told herself this all evening.

“Why do we keep hurting each other, JR?” she asked softly.

“I’ve been asking myself the same thing, Sue Ellen. And I can’t come up with a reasonable explanation for it. Maybe the two of us are too much alike?”

“Maybe...maybe you’re righ...” Sue Ellen was interrupted by JR’s mouth on hers now. She couldn’t resist him, either. The best sex they’d ever had was always after an argument. So....when JR’s tongue entered her mouth.....Sue Ellen welcomed it....

“Let me make it up to you, Sue Ellen,” whispered JR just before undoing her blouse.

Sue Ellen found herself giving in to him. “Please continue, Mr. Ewing,” she answered in a husky voice.

The feel of his lips on her neck sent chills down Sue Ellen’s spine. Hungrily, the two of them removed each other’s clothing....JR raised Sue Ellen onto the dining room table. Entering her quickly, Sue Ellen welcomed his thrusts....thrusting her own body to meet him....

Suddenly, JR stopped. “Is something wrong, JR?” asked Sue Ellen.

“This isn’t how I wanted it to be, Sue Ellen,” he responded. And he meant it. All he wanted was to make love to her now. She was all he ever wanted. Quickly, JR picked Sue Ellen and whisked her down the hall to the bedroom. There now, he proceeded to smother her with kisses....kissing her all over her body....

“You feel so good, Sue Ellen,” he muttered.

“I want you, JR,” responded Sue Ellen. “Love me,” she whispered in a somewhat pleading manner.

And with that, he entered her again. Sue Ellen arched her back to meet JR...the two of them falling into a rhythm....that familiar rhythm neither of them had ever felt with anyone else. Just as Sue Ellen’s orgasm came upon her, JR spilled himself into her....both of them spinning into that familiar oblivion they’d always shared....yet again.....

Sue Ellen relaxed in JR’s arms, never feeling so secure or comfortable in all her life. This is what love is, she thought. But......reality took over as JR drifted into sleep.

JR held Sue Ellen in his arms, happier than he’d been in a long time. Suddenly, he was awakened by Sue Ellen shaking him.

“JR,” she said. “Wake up.”

“What is it, darlin’?” he asked pulling her even closer.

“I know what you’re up to, JR.”

“What darlin’?” asked JR, not understanding her comment.

“This is your revenge. I know exactly what you’re doing and I was stupid enough to fall into it.”

“Get up, JR. You need to go home.”

“Can’t I just stay here and hold you, darlin?”

JR was astonished.

“No.....get out, JR. I want you out of my bed!”

Sue Ellen wouldn’t say something like that if she didn’t mean it, thought JR. Though he knew what she meant, he tried again. “Sue Ellen, ....... I.....”

“I just told you to get out of here. Go!” she called out.

JR gathered his things and dressed as quickly as possible. Before leaving, he stopped and looked deep into her eyes. Sue Ellen’s eyes.....so full of love and lust and fear and..... Finally, he couldn’t face her any longer. Sue Ellen had made her feelings very clear.

JR put on his stetson and went home to SouthFork.....



JR did a lot of soul-searching in the next two weeks. Why did he keep going back to Sue Ellen...knowing she wasn’t really going to let him in? He had always thought Sue Ellen held herself in reserve, no matter how passionate they were at times. She probably has the same feelings about me, he told himself. After all those years of lying and cheating and...and, yet, Sue Ellen had married him twice, knowing all those things.

JR was really in a funk now. Here it was...less than a month before Christmas....and he knew he’d spend it alone. Hell, he’d probably spend New Year’s alone too! No matter how mad, hurt, and frustrated he was with Sue Ellen, JR just couldn’t help himself. He couldn’t even look at another woman. This new Sue Ellen was different than the one he married....a mystery...a mystery he desperately wanted to solve.


Sue Ellen kept herself busy a couple of days a week running the restaurant. Luckily, April had been understanding with regards to the debacle of Sue Ellen’s first night. And, Sue Ellen found that she enjoyed this new profession. Being around other people, even strangers, was better than being......alone.

When she wasn’t working, Sue Ellen had a lot of time to think....too much time. No matter where she was or what she was doing in her downtime, Sue Ellen’s thoughts always drifted back to JR. Not all of her thoughts were about their relationship. Sometimes she wondered simple things like what he was wearing, what he was doing at work....just simple things. And then the loneliness would creep in. It would be so nice to have someone to come home to....or someone to come home to her, for that matter.

Sue Ellen’s thoughts were interrupted by none other than Cliff Barnes.

“Sue Ellen?”

She jumped at first. Then smiling, she greeted him. “I’m sorry. I must have been daydreaming. Are you here for dinner or just for drinks?”

“I was on my way home and thought I’d stop by for a drink. Are you working here now?”

“Yes. April asked me to help run the place a couple of days a week and I wasn’t doing anything....and, here I am,” Sue Ellen said smiling.

“Well, I’ll show myself to the bar,” said Cliff, walking away. Then...pausing...he turned around. “You look wonderful, Sue Ellen.”

“Thank you, Cliff.”

He looked at her for a moment and then headed for the bar. Cliff really has a good heart, thought Sue Ellen. Every time she saw him, Sue Ellen was reminded of that time...so long ago....that period of time that the two of them were lovers. In the end, Sue Ellen went back to JR like she always did. But he had been there for her at a time when she was at her lowest. JR didn’t pay any attention to her back then....never showed any interest in her. And then there was Cliff. Sue Ellen knew a lot of it had to do with revenge on JR. But she had never felt that was Cliff’s motivation entirely. Cliff had always treated her with the utmost respect....and still did, to this day.

Cliff stopped by again on his way out. “I just wanted to say how nice it was to see you, Sue Ellen.”

“It was nice seeing you too,” smiled Sue Ellen.

“Would it be too forward of me to ask if I can call you sometime? Maybe dinner....or a movie....” said Cliff nervously.

“I think I would really enjoy having dinner with you sometime, Cliff,” said Sue Ellen.

“Goodnight, Sue Ellen,” said Cliff as he walked away.

JR had witnessed this exchange from the entryway of the restaurant. And he didn’t like it. “There’s no way I’m going to stand aside and let that man have his way with my wife,” he muttered under his breath....not even realizing he’d referred to Sue Ellen as his wife.

JR had come to the restaurant....initially hoping to talk to Sue Ellen. JR knew she was the only person he could talk to and not have to worry about the repercussions...That went as far as anything not involving their relationship, anyway.

Sue Ellen recognized him walking through the door in an instant. The stetson....the walk....well, it just gave him away.

“Hello JR,” said Sue Ellen, hoping JR couldn’t notice her nervousness.

“Is there a table for one available?” he asked looking around the room.

He’s being nice, Sue Ellen thought. That must mean he’s up to something. “I’m sure I can find something,” responded Sue Ellen.

“Good. I’m starving.”

“Please promise me you’ll not make a scene like you did...”

“I promise. I am simply here for dinner. That’s all.”

“In that case, I’ll let Sally show you to a table.”

Throughout his dinner, JR observed Sue Ellen. She really knows how to work a room, he thought. He also noted how stunning Sue Ellen looked in her red silk wrap-around dress, complimented with red stilettos.

JR is here for a reason, thought Sue Ellen. Why would he come here of all places....alone?

After paying the waitress, JR left a generous tip on the table and made his way out of the restaurant. But, not before stopping to chat Sue Ellen for a bit.

“Did Mama pick up John Ross?” he asked.

“Yes, she picked him up around noon.”

Glancing briefly at his watch, JR continued. “I guess I missed him tonight. He’s probably in bed now.”

“It is late. I’m sure he wasn’t bored, with Christopher there and all.”

JR grinned. “You’re probably right about that.”

There was an uncomfortable silence for a moment. Finally, JR spoke. “So, what are your plans while John Ross is at SouthFork?”

“I’m leaving here in a few minutes. I was thinking of decorating the tree tonight.”

“You’re not going to wait for John Ross to help?”

Laughing, Sue Ellen answered,”He has made it very clear that he isn’t interested. You know....the pre-teen thing....”

“I see. Well....happy decorating,” said JR as he walked away.


Sue Ellen carried the cardboard boxes into the living room. She’d put the lights on the tree already this morning. She then began placing the ornaments on the tree. At least this will occupy my time, thought Sue Ellen. Though she didn’t want to admit it, to herself or anyone else, it was kind of depressing to be decorating the tree by herself. She knew John Ross didn’t mean any harm...he was just at that age where it’s uncool to take part in family things... And so....Sue Ellen placed the ornaments on the tree one by one...The tree held a mixture of ornaments...some of them made by John Ross at school...some of them were exquisite ones she’d purchased during her travels....and then there was one that held much sentimental value.... She held up the ornament and looked at it. Through everything that had happened, Sue Ellen just couldn’t bare to part with it. It was heart-shaped...pewter...engraved on it were the words “JR & Sue Ellen”...below their names was the year, 1967.... A red satin ribbon was tied through it....

JR drove on towards SouthFork. He thought and thought and....It had all gone so wrong! Way back then, he’d only wanted to make Sue Ellen happy. Nothing had gone according to plan. First, there was Ewing Oil. And then the women....countless women! Why? JR couldn’t come up with a plausible answer. He found himself turning off the road and heading for Sue Ellen’s house. Here he was, again breaking that promise he’d made to himself. But he had to see her again. Something kept drawing him back to her.

Sue Ellen stared at the ornament until the doorbell interrupted her. Who can it be at this time of night, she thought.

Spying JR, yet again, she debated whether or not she should let him in. But, no matter what, she knew she couldn’t just let him stand out there.

“JR...what are you doing here?” asked Sue Ellen.

“I just thought I’d drop in.” Pointing at the tree, JR continued. “I knew you’d still be up.”

Sue Ellen still wore the dress from earlier. JR was stunned to find her holding the ornament in her hand. He couldn’t believe she still had it, after all this time.

“May I come in?”

“Come on in, JR. But, I have to tell you....if you plan on visiting, you have to work....on the tree, that is.”

JR followed Sue Ellen into the living room. He removed his sport coat and stetson. Rolling up his sleeves, JR proceeded to assist Sue Ellen with the tree. He noted that Sue Ellen laid their ornament to the side. They were quite amicable throughout this time. They filled each other in on what had been going on since the last time they’d seen each other. JR found himself laughing aloud to a couple of Sue Ellen’s stories about the restaurant. Once all the ornaments were on the tree, the two of them stood back to admire their work.

“I think it looks terrific, darlin’,” said JR.

Sue Ellen felt those butterflies again at that term of endearment. “I agree.” Holding up a bow with, she asked,”Would you mind tying this on the top for me? I don’t think I can reach it myself.”

JR obliged Sue Ellen’s request. He had truthfully enjoyed assisting her. It had been so long since he’d taken part in anything to do with Christmas, except for buying presents. This must be what it’s like for a real family, he thought.

Once JR had tied the bow on, Sue Ellen said,”That looks fantastic! Thank you, JR.”

“It does look nice, doesn’t it,” replied JR, admiring the tree with Sue Ellen. Sue Ellen was surprised when JR picked up their ornament, dangling it in front of her. “I think we forgot one.”

“I didn’t forget.”

“What then? I saw it in your hand when you answered the door.”

“I don’t think it belongs on the tree, JR.”

“I understand.”

“Do you?”

“Yes....I do.”

“I was meaning to ask you, JR,” said Sue Ellen. “Why did you stop by?”

“Well, darlin, I knew you were alone....and I didn’t want you to have to decorate your tree by yourself....especially your first year in your new home,” responded JR.

Sue Ellen knew part of his response was true. “Is that the only reason?”


“You heard me. Is that the only reason you stopped by?”asked Sue Ellen, desperately hoping there was some other reason for his appearance at her house tonight.

“I don’t think you want to know,” said JR.

“Please enlighten me, JR. What are you up to?”

“I’m not....up to anything.”

“You always have ulterior motives, JR.”

“Do you really want to know, Sue Ellen?”

“Yes. Tell me.”

“Well darlin’, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking over the last two weeks....I know now that we’ll never be together again..as husband and wife, I mean....you’ve more than shown that....”


“And....when I found out you were here alone tonight, I thought I’d take a chance....”

“A chance? At what?” asked a very curious Sue Ellen.

“I”ll lay it on the line for you, Sue Ellen. I know I’ll never have you. Not completely, anyway. And so, I ask this of you. Give me one night. Just one night.”

Those butterflies were really working up a storm now. “What are you asking of me, JR?”

“I want to love you....let me love you for one night...one entire night....let me make love to you, Sue Ellen....and when it’s over, fall asleep in my arms....”

“JR, I don’t know what to say,” gushed Sue Ellen.

“Say yes...and I’ll make you breakfast in the morning.”

“In bed?”

“Breakfast in bed, my dear....”

“Let’s go to bed, JR,” whispered Sue Ellen.

JR took Sue Ellen by the hand and led her to the bedroom. Neither of them spoke a word. JR began by kissing Sue Ellen softly on the mouth....his kisses became more urgent, but tender just the same... Sue Ellen responded by unbuttoning JR’s shirt ever so slowly....and then kissing him on his chest and on down his hard stomach....

Button after button, Sue Ellen undressed JR... It was his turn now... “Do you know how beautiful you are, Sue Ellen?”he whispered as he untied the knot which held her dress together. “Let me show you how beautiful you are....”

And with that, Sue Ellen gave in to JR completely....for this one night....Somehow they found their way to the bed, thought neither of them could remember how.... JR entered Sue Ellen slowly...so.....so slow....causing her to gasp as he filled her completely... “JR,” she whispered.

“Shhhh,” he whispered back, brushing her hair away from her face. “Let me please you, Sue Ellen.”

JR knew exactly what to do....with every move....every touch...it led to one fantastic ending....both of them spiraling out of control together.....


JR lay awake, though he was certain Sue Ellen was asleep. He cradled her in his arms.....thankful for this one night....for the first time in a long time....he wasn’t....alone.



The following morning, Sue Ellen snuggled close to JR. The sun shone especially bright through the window today. Could it be a sign, Sue Ellen asked herself.

“You awake?” asked JR.

“I’m afraid so,” replied Sue Ellen, resting her head on his chest.

“Did you sleep well, darlin’?”

“Too well, JR.”

The two of them laid in awkward silence for the next few minutes. Finally, Sue Ellen broke the ice.

“Are you hungry, JR? I can whip us up something,” offered Sue Ellen.

“Breakfast would be great. You gonna serve it to me in bed?”

“I hate to burst your bubble, JR, but this isn’t a bed & breakfast.” Tugging on his arm, Sue Ellen continued. “Come on. Talk to me while I cook.”

JR looked at Sue Ellen’s smiling face for a moment. “Okay. Since you insist.”

This is nice, thought JR, as Sue Ellen whipped up a batch of pancakes.

“What? No blueberry pancakes?” joked JR.

“Easy, JR,” warned Sue Ellen. “One step at a time....”

“You’re doing a good job. I’m enjoying watching you,” replied JR and he meant it.

Sue Ellen didn’t say anything for a bit. She knew JR was having a good time and she had to admit...so was she. Sue Ellen placed the plates on the counter and sat beside JR on a stool.

“These are really good, Sue Ellen. My compliments. When did you learn to cook, by the way?”

“I had lots of time on my hands while I was in London, JR. But, I have to admit, my domestic skills are very limited.”

Looking Sue Ellen up and down, JR said,”But not completely limited.....”

“Eat your breakfast, JR,” said Sue Ellen.

Several minutes later, JR laid down his fork. “That hit the spot, Sue Ellen.”

“Thank you. I’m glad you liked it.”

JR placed his hand on Sue Ellen’s knee. “I hope this doesn’t upset you, Sue Ellen. But I really enjoyed being with you last night and this morning.”

“It doesn’t upset me, JR. I enjoyed it too. In fact, I still am.”

“Where do we go from here, Sue Ellen? What are your thoughts on us?”

“Well JR, I enjoy our times together immensely. But.....”

“But what? Tell me.”

“I don’t think it would be healthy for our son to know the details of our current relationship....or anyone else for that matter.”

“You’re probably right, Sue Ellen,” replied JR. “I know Mama and everyone else is against me being around you at all.”

“Are they really? I would never have thought that.”

“They don’t say it out loud, but I’m certain they feel that way. They think I’m bad for you and....they have good reason for feeling that way, I suppose.”

“Really?” asked Sue Ellen, somewhat shocked at JR’s revelation.

“Yes. I was a horrible husband. I know that.”

Sue Ellen wished JR hadn’t brought that up. She turned and gazed out the window for a bit. It really is a beautiful day, she thought.

“Sue Ellen?”

“I’m sorry, JR. I was just thinking. Tell me. What do you think of us now?”

“Darlin’, when I’m with you.....the way we were last night and this morning....well....I’ve never been so damn happy in my life.”

“It was nice, wasn’t it?”

JR nodded his head in response. “Sue Ellen, it’s taken me a long time....too long, in fact.....to realize I can’t....not have you in my life....”

“We’ll always have a connection, JR....that son of ours was worth everything we went through....”

“He is, isn’t he?” asked JR, smiling. “Speaking of John Ross, I better get going. We’re supposed to go riding this afternoon.”

“You JR? On a horse?” asked Sue Ellen, unable to hide her laughter.

“Is that funny, Sue Ellen?”

“Yes....it is.....”

“And what is so funny about it?” asked JR, growing irritated.

“Nothing...it’s just.....”

“It’s just what?”

“I thought....well, I always thought you were afraid of horses,” said Sue Ellen, cackling now.

“I”ve never been afraid of anything in my damned life,” growled JR.

Sue Ellen wanted to stop laughing but couldn’t. “It’s just......this....picture I have of you....on a horse.....”

“Well, I’m glad you find it so amusing,” said JR sarcastically.

“I”m sorry,” said Sue Ellen. “I”ll stop....”

“Can we please be serious, Sue Ellen?”

“Yes sir, Mr. Ewing. What were we talking about? I remember now....us...”

“What are your thoughts, Sue Ellen?”

“I hate to admit this, JR....but, I’d like to continue seeing you.....and....”

“And what?”

“And....I don’t see why anyone has to know except for us. It’s nobody’s business but our own.”

“You know....I just keep finding more and more things to like about you, Sue Ellen,” laughed JR.

“I guess that mean you agree with me. It’ll just be our own little secret,” responded Sue Ellen.

“Well...you know....it’s not a deal unless we shake hands on it,” said JR.

“Deal,” said Sue Ellen, extending her hand. After shaking hands, JR stood up.

“I have to go now, darlin’.”

“I know you do.”

Sue Ellen sat in the living room as JR went to the bedroom and dressed. When he returned, she walked him to the door. “Have fun, JR.”

“Goodbye for now, darlin’.” JR walked out the door. Then....he turned around and looked at Sue Ellen leaning against the doorframe in her silk nightgown and robe. Walking back to her, JR pulled her to him, his hand running through her auburn hair.....and pulled Sue Ellen into a passionate kiss. And, just as quickly as it began, JR pulled away. “Goodbye Sue Ellen....For now....”

“Goodbye, JR.”

Sue Ellen closed the door behind her when he was gone. He’s sweeping me off my feet, she thought. And, God, how I didn’t want that to happen!


Two days later, Sue Ellen was back at work. The restaurant had been swamped all evening. Sue Ellen figured a lot of the extra business was due to it being Christmas shopping season. After five hours of craziness, Sue Ellen finally had time to rest for a bit. She was somewhat surprised that JR hadn’t called....especially after the deal the two of them made... It’s not like she expected him to beat her door down or anything....but she had thought she would have heard from him by now....

After work, Sue Ellen got in her Fiat and headed home. Today had been another beautiful winter day, she thought. As it was still daylight, Sue Ellen decided to go for a walk around her property after she got home.


Sue Ellen changed into jeans and a sweater, thankful to get out of the dress-suit she’d worn all day. Walking out the door, she was surprised to see an unfamiliar car pulling into the drive. She stopped for a moment and then realized it was just the mail. Why is he approaching me, thought Sue Ellen warily.

“Can I help you?”

“I have a message for you, Ms. Lockwood,” said the deliveryman, handing her an envelope.

“Thank you,” said Sue Ellen. Once the deliveryman was gone, Sue Ellen opened the message. There was a key tucked inside it. Sue Ellen quickly recognized the handwriting. It read:

Are you as lonely as I am? If so, meet me at Scalini’s at 8 o’clock sharp. As for the key....well, that’s just something you’ll have to figure out for yourself....darlin’......

Sue Ellen felt goose-bumps all over her body. The great JR Ewing was courting her....and she was loving this new relationship.....Secret.....and sooooo exciting.....


JR looked at the clock. Why am I nervous, he asked himself. It’s Sue Ellen. It’s not like she’s a stranger.... Turning out the lights, JR headed for the elevator.... He’d wanted to call Sue Ellen but something frightened him from it... It was fear of rejection, but JR would never allow himself to believe it......


Sue Ellen showered after her walk and got ready for her first rendezvous with her secret lover. She’d decided on a black strapless velvet bodice with a flowing skirt to match...black stilettos.... Sue Ellen couldn’t believe she actually giggled out loud as she hid the key JR had given her...in her bodice of all places.....


Sue Ellen approached the hostess. “How many in your party?” asked the hostess.

“I’m supposed to be meeting someone,” responded Sue Ellen, looking around.

“What’s the name?”

“What if I just describe him for you? He’s tall with brilliant blue eyes...and he’s wearing a stetson.....Does that ring a bell?”

“I know exactly who you’re talking about,” replied the hostess. “It was the eyes that gave it away,” she said with a wink. “Follow me.”

JR stood up and graciously held out the chair for Sue Ellen. He’d chosen a table in the back....hidden from view.....

“You look.....delicious, darlin’,” said JR after the hostess was gone.

Running her hand over his leg, Sue Ellen replied,”I could say the same about you, JR.”

JR felt himself becoming turned on by her touch. Quickly, he changed the subject. “I’ve been looking over the menu. I haven’t eaten here in ages. What do you suggest?”

“I haven’t been here in a long time either, JR,” responded Sue Ellen. Then whispering, she continued,”Why don’t we share the spaghetti? I hate to admit it, but I’ve had a hankering for it....”

JR laughed aloud. “Then, spaghetti it is.”

JR ordered for the two of them.

“I have to admit, JR, I was somewhat surprised today.....”

“Is that a fact? Pleasantly surprised, I hope?”

“Oh yes. Especially the key.....”

“I wondered whether or not I should include that....”


“I didn’t want you to think.....”

“Think what, JR? That you want me?”asked Sue Ellen.

“No...that’s not it...not entirely, anyway...”

“Well, then what is it?”

“I want all of you, Sue Ellen. The last two days have been killing me,” admitted JR.

They’ve been killing me too, thought Sue Ellen. “JR....would you mind getting our supper to go?”

“Are you sure? I was thinking the same thing.”

Sue Ellen brushed her lips across his. “I’m sure,” she whispered.

Sue Ellen decided to leave her car at the restaurant and rode with JR to the Omni Hotel.

Once the exited the elevator, Sue Ellen teased JR. “Do you have a key? If you forgot yours, I have mine....you’ll just have to find it....”

“As a matter of fact, I do have mine. But....I’d rather use yours...” he replied, pulling Sue Ellen’s body close to his.

JR pressed Sue Ellen against the wall, kissing her passionately. Sue Ellen responded by kissing him back just as ferociously.

Stepping back, JR breathlessly uttered,”Did I ever tell you that you take my breath away?”

“JR,” said Sue Ellen, glancing down at her cleavage. “The key....”

“How could I forget?” asked JR as he slid his hand inside her bodice....Grasping her breasts in his hands, he continued....”Ah! I think I’ve found it....”

It had only been two days and Sue Ellen felt like it had been years....his touch....the bare touch of JR’s hands on her body....He was the only man who ever made her feel this way....

Opening the door, JR took Sue Ellen by the hand and led her inside. Nearly slamming the door shut, JR pressed himself to her. “Do you know how much I’ve missed you?” he asked huskily.

“Show me,” Sue Ellen whispered back.

JR pressed his lips to Sue Ellen’s throat now. He’d meant for this to be another love-making evening...like the one from the other night.....but JR just couldn’t help himself. Quickly unzipping her bodice, JR tossed it to the side and focused on Sue Ellen’s breasts....

“Mmmmmmm,” said Sue Ellen. “That feels good.”

Sue Ellen proceeded to undo JR’s tie and shirt while he pleasure her. They didn’t make it to the bedroom of the suite....

“Do you know how bad I’ve wanted you?” asked JR as lifted Sue Ellen up...placed her on the dining room table...and entered her swiftly.

“Show me,” she said back.

JR pumped into her furiously. Looking into her eyes, he said,”You have no idea how good you feel, Sue Ellen.”

JR wanted this to be the most pleasurable night of her life. Never leaving her, he picked her up and carried her to the bed. Laying her down, JR continued what they had already started...He could tell by the look in her eyes that Sue Ellen was getting close....He then rolled the two of them over so that Sue Ellen was on top of him. JR was getting close now....so close..... As she rode him, JR placed his thumb on that point....that pleasure point.....And just as Sue Ellen went into oblivion, so did he.....

Twenty minutes later, Sue Ellen lay cradled in JR’s arms....JR couldn’t help laughing aloud when she rose up and looked at him for a moment before asking,”Can we have dinner now? I’m starving....”




“I’ve got to get going, darlin’,” said JR as he dressed quickly.

“You do? I’m supposed to be at the restaurant in two hours. It’ll take me that long just to drive home and change....”

Both of them rushed to get dressed and out the door. JR sped through town...taking Sue Ellen to retrieve her car.

“Goodbye, JR,” said Sue Ellen as she started to get out of his Mercedes.

“Bye darlin’,” he replied. “Sue Ellen,” he called out after her.

“Yes,” she said, turning around.

“When can I see you again?”

Looking at her watch, Sue Ellen said,”I don’t know, JR. But it won’t be in the next two hours...”

“Can I call you?”

“I’ll call you,” she said simply. JR wore an evil grin as he looked her up and down before pulling out.


JR walked into the den and poured himself a drink. Yes, it was early for that, but....after last night, he needed it!

“JR,” said Miss Ellie.

“Hi Mama.”

“I was worried when you didn’t come home last night. You usually call....”

“I’m sorry, Mama. I had a late business meeting and spent the night in town. I didn’t mean to worry you.”

“Business meeting,” Miss Ellie repeated him. “Who with?”

“Just some bankers I’ve been dealing with to finance that Alaskan deal. Why?”

“Oh, I was just curious, JR,” replied Miss Ellie.

“I should have called. It just slipped my mind.”

“From the looks of you, JR, it must have been a success.”

“Is that so?” laughed JR. “How do I look?”

“You look....you look a lot like Jock now....You’ve aged well, JR,” complimented Miss Ellie.

“Thank you, Mama,” replied JR. And he really meant it. He’d never been as close to either of his parents as Bobby had.....or Gary even, when it came to his mother.

“If I didn’t know better, JR, I’d think you were in love...”

That last comment startled JR. He hadn’t expected this. “Oh, Mama....you know how excited I get when I’m working on a new deal.”

“Yes...I know...,” replied Miss Ellie. As she walked out, Miss Ellie reminded JR,”You haven’t forgotten about the DOA meeting have you?”

In all honesty, JR had forgotten he was to be the guest speaker at the next meeting. “No Mama, I haven’t forgotten. It’s day after tomorrow, isn’t it?”

“That’s right.”

“I”ll be there,” he said. “Where is the meeting going to be held?”

“It’s at Scalini’s....two o’clock in the afternoon...”

Scalini’s....JR immediately thought of last night...And what a night it was!


Sue Ellen couldn’t believe she was nervous. This was the first meeting of the DOA she’d attended in years. Why am I so nervous, she asked herself. It’s just a bunch of old goats, after all. She’d chosen a winter white dress-suit for the meeting. The slim-cut skirt really showed off her legs, she thought.

As she turned off the ignition, Sue Ellen said to herself,”Hopefully, none of the wait staff will remember me from last night.” She actually felt herself blushing when she thought of it. Sneaking around with JR!

Sue Ellen’s nervousness quickly faded as everyone embraced her, welcoming her back. Miss Ellie spotted her quickly. “Sue Ellen,” greeted Miss Ellie, hugging her. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

“So am I,” admitted Sue Ellen.

The meeting was about to get underway. Miss Ellie had reserved a spot for Sue Ellen....right next to her...As everyone took their seats, Sue Ellen didn’t notice the tall man....wearing a Stetson...enter the room.

As the meeting got under way, Sue Ellen thought how things hadn’t changed much during her absence. First, the minutes were read. And then there was some discussion regarding an upcoming fundraiser. But, when it was time for the guest speaker....

“And now I am thrilled to introduce to you....Mr. JR Ewing..,” said Mavis Anderson.

It wasn’t til that point that Sue Ellen felt herself tense up. Why didn’t he tell me he’d be here, Sue Ellen asked herself.

JR walked up to the podium. “Good afternoon, ladies...First, I want to thank you for inviting me here....” JR paused for a moment when his eyes fell on a lady in the audience....a striking lady, indeed....wearing a white dress-suit... Grinning evilly, he continued. “It’s a real pleasure to be here before such an attractive audience.”

Sue Ellen could feel JR looking directly at her as he spoke those words. The rest of his speech was a blur. Once the meeting had adjourned, everyone gathered in line for the hors devoirs. JR talked with some of the ladies, glancing at Sue Ellen whenever possible. She was even sexier when she’s ignoring me, he thought.

Sue Ellen looked over her shoulder at JR. He could charm a rock, she thought, as she watched him being jovial with a group of elderly women. “He sure as hell charms me,” Sue Ellen muttered under her breath.

“Did you say something, Sue Ellen?” asked Miss Ellie, turning to face her.

“Uh......no.....,” replied Sue Ellen.

Miss Ellie grinned at Sue Ellen and turned back around. Sue Ellen was standing at the punch bowl now. She nearly yelled out when she felt a sharp pinch on her bottom.

“JR,” she hissed. “What are you doing?”

“You never called me, darlin’......I missed you....”

“I can’t believe you just did that, JR...”

“I couldn’t help myself,” laughed JR quietly, so that noone could hear.

“Behave yourself, JR,” responded Sue Ellen.

“I would if I could, darlin’,” said JR as he walked away.

Miss Ellie was in the corner talking with Mavis. Out of the corner of her eye, she had seen JR approach Sue Ellen. And...if her eyes weren’t deceiving her....they were flirting with each other! I must be seeing things, she told herself.

A half hour later, the crowd began to disperse. Miss Ellie made her way back to Sue Ellen. “I hope you enjoyed yourself, Sue Ellen.”

“I did, Miss Ellie,” smiled Sue Ellen. “It was nice being with everyone again.”

“I’m glad you did. Does that mean you’ll be at the next meeting?”

“Yes. I’ll be there.”

Miss Ellie said goodbye and left not long after. Sue Ellen decided to leave also. She was fumbling for her keys when she felt someone behind her. A hand reached around her waist and nonchalantly dropped a napkin into her purse. And she knew exactly who it was. Sue Ellen could feel herself redness creeping up her neck. Stop it, she told herself. Noone knows what’s going on....

Safely in her car, Sue Ellen pulled the napkin out of her purse. JR had scrawled the words “I Want You” on it...

Sue Ellen hadn’t had the chance to ask, but she was almost certain JR was going back to Ewing Oil following the DOA meeting. Picking up her mobile phone, Sue Ellen dialed the office. Phyllis transferred her to JR’s answering service. Whispering, Sue Ellen said,”Do you? Meet me at my place. 8 o’clock sharp.....I’ll be waiting for you....”


Sue Ellen looked at the clock. It was ten minutes til eight. She didn’t know whether he’d show up as JR didn’t call her back. She felt somewhat silly wearing the black negligee...waiting for him...when she didn’t know if JR had even gotten her message. Five minutes past the hour, she heard a car pulling into the driveway. Sue Ellen slowly made her way to the door when the bell rang.

Opening the door, she whispered huskily,”Hello lover...”

Before stepping inside the house, JR pulled Sue Ellen to him....kissing her....he couldn’t help himself! The message he’d received at the office had excited him so much...JR hadn’t been able to focus on anything the rest of the day....except, that is, lavishing Sue Ellen’s body....

Pulling away briefly, Sue Ellen asked,”I take it you missed me?”

“Did I ever?” responded JR, pressing himself to her.

“I could’ve killed you after what you did today, JR.”

“Darlin’, you’re killing me now,” muttered JR.

“Am I?” teased Sue Ellen. “Good.”

They didn’t make it to the bedroom this time. JR followed Sue Ellen into the kitchen. “Have you had dinner, JR?”



“What do you think I came here for, darlin’?”

JR lifted Sue Ellen onto the counter. As he kissed her passionately all over he body, Sue Ellen removed his stetson, tossing it to the side. Sue Ellen leaned back...relishing JR’s kisses....wanting kisses....She closed her eyes and let herself go......”You feel so good, JR,”.......

Her eyes were still closed when JR entered her....causing her to gasp aloud.....

“You okay, darlin?” JR asked.

“I think you know the answer to that, JR. Please.....continue.....”

JR thrust his hardness into her now in wild abandon. Moments later, he carried her into the living room. Letting her down, he laid back on the couch....motioning her to climb on top of him. As Sue Ellen rode him, JR asked,”How is that, darlin’?”

“That’s.....ohhhhhhhhhhh....good, JR,” replied Sue Ellen, though she could barely speak.

Not long after, JR felt Sue Ellen’s body begin to convulse in pleasure.....he couldn’t hold out any longer...”Give it to me, JR,” commanded Sue Ellen.

Neither of them heard the car pulling up.....they were so caught up in the ecstacy of the moment....

What is JR doing here, thought Miss Ellie....



JR and Sue Ellen froze at the sound of a car door closing. “You expecting someone, darlin’?”

“No,” said Sue Ellen as she scampered for her clothes. “Put your clothes on, JR.”

JR hurriedly got dressed as the doorbell rang. “It’s Miss Ellie,” whispered a panicked Sue Ellen, looking through the peephole.

“Let her in, Sue Ellen.”

“What will we say?”

“I’ll come up with something. Just follow my lead,” JR responded convincingly.

Opening the door, Sue Ellen exclaimed,”Miss Ellie! What a nice surprise!”

“It’s good to see you too, Sue Ellen. Is JR here?”

“He’s in the living room, Miss Ellie. Won’t you come in?”

That is odd, thought Miss Ellie. Why is JR here when John Ross is at SouthFork? “Hello, JR.”

“Good evenin’, Mama. I guess you’re surprised to find me here of all places.”

If there was one thing Sue Ellen admired about JR, it was his ability to remain calm in any situation.

“Yes, I must admit, I was quite surprised to see your car in the driveway.”

Standing up, JR said,”Well Mama, I just came by to talk with Sue Ellen about John Ross.”

“John Ross? Is there something wrong that I don’t know about?” inquired Miss Ellie, a concerned look on her face.

“No....well....yes....it’s nothing serious,” chimed in Sue Ellen. “He hasn’t been doing that well in school and I asked JR to stop by so that we could discuss what to do about it.” I’m not completely lying, Sue Ellen told herself. He did bring home two B’s on his report card and he usually makes all A’s.

“I see,” said Miss Ellie. “He’s always been a good student, has he not?”

“Yes, Miss Ellie. He has. But his grades have dropped off a bit.”

“I was telling Sue Ellen that I don’t think we need to worry ourselves sick over it, Mama. I’m going to have a talk with him when I get home and I’m sure they’ll be better next time.”

Miss Ellie wasn’t totally convinced but decided not to press the issue. If JR and Sue Ellen could be in the same room and behave civilly towards each other, she wasn’t going to stop it. Not after all those years of hell they’d put each other and the whole family through.

“I’m sure they will,” said Miss Ellie. “While I have the two of you together, there’s something I’d like to talk with you about.”

“What is it, Mama?”

“I’m sure John Ross would like to spend Christmas with both his parents. That being said, I would like to invite you to SouthFork for Christmas dinner, Sue Ellen.” Turning to JR, she continued,”I hope you will agree, JR. I meant to discuss it with you later on but since you’re here.....”

“Thank you for the offer, Miss Ellie. I certainly don’t want John Ross to have to split time with his parents either. What do you think, JR?”

How cool she’s acting, thought JR. He never realized what a good actress Sue Ellen could be. “I think we can tolerate each other for one afternoon. Don’t you?”

“It’s settled then,” said Miss Ellie. “Sue Ellen, I....I mean we....look forward to having you as a guest for the holiday.”

“Thank you, Miss Ellie. JR and I will be on our best behavior, I promise.” Then, turning to JR,”Isn’t that right, JR?”

“If it will make our boy happy, I suppose anything is possible.”

“Well....I’ll leave the two of you now,” said Miss Ellie.

“Actually, Mama, I was just leaving. I’ll follow you out.”

Sue Ellen saw Miss Ellie and JR out the door, thankful when they were gone. That was close, she thought. Too close. She was thankful Miss Ellie had asked her over. Otherwise, she’d have been home alone for the most part. After all, Mother was God knows where. John Ross was the only family she had and she would have otherwise only had a few hours with him on Christmas.

Later that evening, Sue Ellen had just settled into bed with a book when the phone rang. “Hello.”

“Hello darlin’.”

“JR, what do you want?”

“You sound stressed, darlin. Anything I can do to help?”

Sue Ellen could have sworn she heard laughter on the other end. “JR, I hope you’re not laughing at me.”

“Laugh at you? Why would I do that? By the way, I was meaning to tell you that your performance earlier was Oscar worthy.”

Sue Ellen smiled, relaxing a bit. “I could say the same of yours, JR.”

“Thanks. I won’t keep you long darlin. I just wanted to say I had the most pleasant evening with you and am very much looking forward to future engagements.”

“We’ve got to be more careful, JR,” warned Sue Ellen. “That was really close this evening.”

“Oh, that just adds to the excitement, darlin.” JR was smiling now. This illicit affair with Sue Ellen was making him feel like a schoolboy. And he was growing more and more appreciative of her. He couldn’t wait to see her again.

“You are such a rogue, JR Ewing,” scolded Sue Ellen.

“I thought that’s what you liked about me, Sue Ellen,” said JR, smiling even more.

“Good night.”

“Hey, don’t hang up yet darlin.....”

“What is it? You’ve got ten seconds,” said Sue Ellen. JR could tell she was becoming agitated.

“When can I see you again?”

“I don’t know. I’m working tomorrow......”

“Well, I’ll let you go now. Call me if you get a chance.”

“Good night, JR,” said Sue Ellen, hanging up the phone.

What am I going to do, Sue Ellen asked herself. Pulling out her diary, she decided to write down her feelings. She began by writing the date at the top of the page as she always did.


Tonight, I am feeling very torn. I desperately want to see JR again but tonight was really close. Miss Ellie would have caught us in the act if she’d arrived at the house 5 minutes earlier. Cliff Barnes asked me out some time back and I’ve been thinking of calling him. But something is keeping me from it. JR and I have a newfound respect for each other, I think. As much as I hate to admit it, I need him. And I think he needs me also. For example, he called me this evening and he rarely does that. Usually, after one of our, should I say get-togethers.....he leaves me alone for a couple of days. I’m just not sure what to make of it. My head is telling me I should end it now. But my body is telling me.....It’s just that I’ve never been in a more satisfying....gratifying relationship in my life until now. And as much as I don’t want it to happen....JR Ewing is sweeping me off my feet. What am I setting myself up for? I just don’t know whether I should end it or let nature run its course.....

Sue Ellen closed the diary and turned out the light.


Everyone was seated for breakfast, as usual. “Momma, I won’t be home for dinner this evening,” said Bobby.

“No? Are you and April going out?” inquired Miss Ellie.

“Yes. I promised her dinner as I’ve been so busy at the office lately.”

“I see,” said Miss Ellie. “Be sure and tell her I said hello and to come by for a visit soon.”

“I will, Mama,” replied Bobby.

“Since you won’t be home for dinner, I’ll tell you now. JR already knows. I’ve asked Sue Ellen to come to SouthFork for Christmas and she has accepted.”

“You agreed to that, JR? And here I thought you were Ebeneezer Scrooge....,” teased Bobby.

“Cut it out, Bob,” retorted JR.

“Both of you cut it out,” scolded Miss Ellie. “I want this to be a happy occasion.”

“You mean I get to spend Christmas with Mommy....and Daddy?” asked John Ross, smiling.

“That’s right, son. What do you think about that?” asked JR.

“I’m glad Momma won’t have to spend Christmas alone. Thanks Grandma!”

“You’re welcome, John Ross. Now, finish your breakfast.”

“Yes ma’am,” said John Ross, overjoyed to have his parents together....even if for only one day.


Sue Ellen looked at her watch as the last of the customers left the restaurant. Walking into the kitchen, she made sure that staff did the necessary tasks to prepare for the next day. Business had really been up with all the shoppers. She thought of how the time just flew by each day. Checking all the doors to make sure they were locked, Sue Ellen walked across the lot to her car and got in. Turning the key in the ignition, she put the car in drive and headed for the expressway. She changed stations on the radio until she found a song she could sing to, as she felt especially vibrant this evening for some reason. From the expressway, Sue Ellen glanced over towards the Ewing Building. On the top floor of the building, she could see his light was still on.

“Should I or shouldn’t I?” she asked herself aloud. Before thinking about it much more, Sue Ellen took the nearest exit and drove towards the Ewing Building. What am I doing, she asked herself again as she parked out front and headed in the doors on the bottom floor. Pressing the “Up” button, Sue Ellen proceeded to wait for the elevator. She had become lost in thought...so lost in thought she didn’t see a man before her when the door opened.

“Hello darlin. Fancy meeting you here....”

Sue Ellen jumped, nearly losing her balance. “JR! I was just....”

“You were just what?” he asked grinning evilly.

“Well.....I was on my way home and saw the light on and.....”


“And, I thought I would stop by and say hello.”

“Hello?” asked JR, acting disappointed.

“What did you want me to say, JR?”

“Oh, I don’t know....how about something like this... I’ve been thinking about you all day....about the two of us....you ravishing my body.....”

“JR, you’re terrible!” said Sue Ellen, punching him in the arm.

“What was that for?” asked JR. “You asked me what I wanted you to say.”

“Does everything have to be about sex with you?”

“Isn’t that the basis of your relationship, darlin?” asked JR, grinning.

“Yes....no.....I’m leaving now,” said Sue Ellen as she turned to walk away.

JR stopped her just as Sue Ellen was about to step outside. “Hold on, darlin....not so fast,” he said, holding her arm.

“What do you want, JR?”

“I think it’s more along the lines of.....what do you want, Sue Ellen?”

“I don’t know what you mean, JR,” replied Sue Ellen, trying to get away.

“Say it, Sue Ellen,” whispered JR, his body pressed to hers now. “Say it.”

“I don’t know what you mean, JR,” Sue Ellen whispered back.

JR stifled her with a long, passionate kiss. As he kissed her, JR released Sue Ellen’s arm. And....though, he half expected her to slap him with it.....she placed it behind his head....kissing him back just as passionately.

Sue Ellen could feel JR’s hardness pressing between her thighs now. And....God....how she wanted to feel him inside her! When JR finally pulled away, Sue Ellen stared into his eyes for a moment before asking,”Would you like to go across the street with me, JR?”

Glancing out the doors to the Hylton across the street, JR responded with a question. “You and me in a hotel, Sue Ellen? Whatever for?”

Sue Ellen could see his eyes were dancing as he taunted her. “For dessert. My treat. In the restaurant, that is.”

“Is that all?”

“That’s it. I had a hankering for something sweet and saw your light on. Care to join me?”

“I’ll take what I can get,” muttered JR as he followed Sue Ellen outside.

Once inside the hotel restaurant, Sue Ellen and JR were seated in the back by request. After ordering a double-fudge sundae....to share....Sue Ellen asked JR,”What do you really think of me coming to SouthFork for Christmas?”

“I’m fine with it. How do you feel about it?”

“I just don’t want anyone to find out about us.”

“And noone will...I promise to be good, Sue Ellen,” replied JR, as he ran his hand along her leg under the table.

“I somehow find that hard to believe,” said Sue Ellen, laughing now.

“Does that feel good, darlin?” asked JR, his hand now massaging her thigh.

“Mmmmm.....Ye.....Yessss,” sighed Sue Ellen.

“Tell me, Sue Ellen. Did you miss me today?” whispered JR.

“No,” she replied simply.

“No?” asked JR as he now touched her womanhood.

“JR, what are you doing?” asked Sue Ellen, now placing her hand on his leg in turn. Moving ever so slowly up....starting as his knee and then.....

“Say it, Sue Ellen,” he whispered in her ear. His breath hot upon her flesh.

“I......I want you, JR,” Sue Ellen whispered back.

“I knew you would come to your senses,” said JR as he nuzzled her neck.

They were just about to leave when the waiter arrived with their dessert. Sue Ellen quickly gathered herself together. “Could we have this sent upstairs?”

“Certainly,” replied the waiter. “To which room?”

“I’ll let you know,” said Sue Ellen with a wink. “Wait for me here, JR,” she then said as she made her way to the front desk.
Several minutes later, the waiter returned to the table with a phone. “The lady would like to speak with you,” said the waiter, handing JR the phone.

“Meet me in penthouse suite 1102,” said Sue Ellen. “And don’t forget dessert.”

Hanging up before JR could reply, Sue Ellen laid back on the bed. Don’t let him take too long, she said to herself.

It was only minutes until JR knocked at the door. Sue Ellen made her way to it, opening the door. JR just stood there looking at her....mesmerized by this new Sue Ellen who surprised him every day.....

“I want you,” she said, taking the box holding the sundae and tossing it to the side.

JR pulled her against him. “I’m so happy to hear you say that,” he muttered before kissing her hungrily on the mouth. Sue Ellen quickly undid his tie....unbuttoning JR’s shirt to expose his chest....kissing him....kissing him as she moved down.....further down....

JR leaned against the wall now...letting Sue Ellen please him....His belt undone now, Sue Ellen quickly unzipped his pants....His manhood now before her, Sue Ellen took him in her mouth. JR gasped aloud. Sue Ellen made love to him with her mouth until....until he thought he couldn’t take it anymore. “Darlin,” he whispered, trying to pull her up to face him.

Finally, standing up, Sue Ellen kissed him fully on the lips. “Let’s go to bed now, JR.”

JR followed Sue Ellen into the bedroom....she undressed herself along the way....tossing unwanted and unneeded clothing to the side. Once inside the bedroom, she turned to face him, clad in her thigh-highs. JR pressed himself to her, placing her down on the bed. “I want you, JR,” she whispered.

“I want you too,” said JR as he entered her. Sue Ellen raked his back with her fingernails as he thrust himself into her, leaving marks on his back. JR knew he was close but didn’t want this to end without Sue Ellen being satisfied and so he gently rubbed her love button with his thumb. “Mmmmmmmm,” moaned Sue Ellen. JR waited.....waited until he could feel her spasms...and then finally let go so that the two of them could cum together. “Oh,” he gasped feeling himself trembling against Sue Ellen’s body, which was trembling in turn.

When he finally gathered his senses, JR rolled over so that Sue Ellen was on top of him. Holding her close, JR ran his hands through her hair, whispering.....whispering.....letting her know how good she was and how good she’d made him feel. All the while he kept thinking...I’m falling for her. Dear God, help me!

I’ve gotten myself in too deep this time, thought Sue Ellen. What am I going to do about this?



Sue Ellen was the first to wake up, as usual. “JR,” she said, shaking JR.

“Hmmmm?,” asks JR, rolling over.

“Get up. We’ve got to get out of here.”

“Just a few more minutes, darlin,” JR mumbled, rolling over.

“JR, we need to get out of here....now....before anyone sees us.”

Slowly, JR rises up. “I suppose you’re right, darlin.”

The two of them don’t talk anymore. They get dressed in silence. They are about to leave the suite when JR pulls Sue Ellen to him, holding her arm. “Sue Ellen.”

“What is it?” asks Sue Ellen, facing JR now.

“What are we doing? Being so secretive, I mean.....”

“You’re not happy, JR?”

“No....I mean....yes, I am happy,” stammered JR.

“What’s wrong, then?”

“I just don’t know how long I can keep up this charade.”

“JR, I thought we already established the guidelines of our relationship,” retorted Sue Ellen.

“You’re right. But I....I don’t know......”

“You don’t know what?”

“I want to show you off, darlin. The way it is now.....”

“This relationship is what it is, JR,” reminded Sue Ellen.

Sue Ellen walked out the door to the elevator, JR close behind. The two of them rode down the elevator in virtual silence. That is, until JR pushed the “Close Door” button and pulled Sue Ellen to him. “You are.....the most beautiful, interesting, mystifying......woman in the world, darlin.”

Sue Ellen couldn’t help herself. She allowed herself to give in to his embrace. “Thank you, JR. That is the most sincere compliment you’ve ever given me.”

“I mean it, darlin. You are......all those things.......and more....”

JR meant what he said. As of this moment, he couldn’t stand the thought of not being with her. He’d never been so curious about a woman. He wanted to know everything about her....her innermost thoughts.....JR thought he knew everything there was to know about Sue Ellen.

“You needn’t flatter me, JR. It’ll get you nowhere,” replied Sue Ellen.

Her words stung him. “What does that mean?” asked JR.

“JR, our relationship is in the bedroom and nowhere else. Remember?” Sue Ellen stared at him with those huge eyes.

Before he could respond, the doors opened and Sue Ellen marched out....outside to her car without giving him a chance to respond. JR stood and watched her for a moment. Just before pulling out, Sue Ellen unrolled the driver’s side window and said,”Call me.”


Sue Ellen took a much-needed shower and felt relaxed, for a change. This was a welcome change, as she hadn’t felt relaxed in some time. Taking out her diary, Sue Ellen poured out her thoughts in long-hand.


I did it again. I gave into JR. Not that I regret it, it’s just.....I’m afraid of where this will lead to. Where is it going? I have come to need him and this is something I never meant to happen. In the back of my mind, I know that he’ll find another woman sooner or later. Where will I be then? Alone. The one thing I’m most afraid of....alone. I think JR is afraid of being alone too. As much as I know he needs me, and I need him, I just can’t totally let myself go. If I do...I’ll lose my identity. And I have worked so hard at building it...becoming my own person. What do I do when he loses interest? As much as I hate to admit it, I will miss his friendship more than anything. Sure, our moments in the bedroom are wonderful.....But, what I will miss most....what I really cherish.....is having a man....my equal...to share my innermost thoughts with....

Sue Ellen didn’t have to wait long. He did call. Well...he didn’t necessarily call. Yet another telegram arrived that afternoon, along with a single yellow rose.... Sue Ellen tipped the messenger and opened the note, once back inside her house. The note read:

Who says roses are red? I certainly don’t. The yellow rose is the only one there is, in my opinion. Are you free for dinner? Last I heard, Scalini’s is very romantic....for young lovers, anyway....


Sue Ellen started to pick up the phone but decided not to. She was sure JR would be there. And....knowing him like she did....Sue Ellen didn’t need a time to meet him...she knew he’d be there around eight o’clock....
Though she debated it all afternoon, Sue Ellen decided to meet JR at Scalini’s. This is only sex, she told herself. Rather, she lied to herself. Dressing in a low-cut red dress that tied at the waist, Sue Ellen set off for her date.


JR stood up to greet her, as the host showed Sue Ellen to the table.

“You’re looking lovely, Sue Ellen,” siad JR as she sat down.

“Thank you, JR. And...thank you for the rose...that was very nice of you.”

JR had hoped for more than that. But....she’s here, he told himself. And that’s much more than he could have expected a short while back.

“You’re looking good, JR,” said Sue Ellen. “That suit looks good on you.”

“Thank you, Sue Ellen.” Then, in a subtle reminder of the previous night, he continued. “I always keep something at the office, you know......”

“I see,” replied Sue Ellen. “You have impeccable taste as always, JR.”

“What shall I order for you, Sue Ellen?”

“I’m thinking.....” said Sue Ellen as she looked over the menu. “Lasagna....”

“I might have guessed. Mind if I have the same?”

“Not at all.”

JR ordered for the two of them. Sue Ellen asked about his day and he told her of all the goings-on in the oil business. JR asked her, in turn, how things were at the restaurant and Sue Ellen filled him in. She was looking for something more fulfilling, she said. She just wasn’t sure what that was.

Dinner was served and the two of them dined in silence. Each of them pretended to focus on the food....trying to ignore what was happening between them. JR broke the ice once the table had been cleared. “There’s a band playing tonight. Care to stay and dance?”

“How can I refuse?” asked Sue Ellen, looking around for a familiar face.....a familiar face who might give away their secret.

The music started. “Does it look safe, Sue Ellen? I saw you glancing around,” said JR.

“You know me too well, JR. Too well, indeed.” Sue Ellen then stood up, holding her hand out to him. “Shall we?” she asked. JR took her hand and the two of them melted together on the dance floor.

“This is nice,” murmured Sue Ellen, placing her head on JR’s shoulder.

JR remained silent. The two of them continued to dance all through the evening. After the last song, Sue Ellen pulled away. “I should be going now. Thank you, JR, for a wonderful evening.”

“Well, darlin, it doesn’t have to end yet,” he replied.

“Something tells me you’re up to no good, JR.....,” she whispered.

“Maybe,” he simply replied.

Back at their table, Sue Ellen retrieved her purse. “Thank you for a wonderful night, JR.”

“You’re leaving?” asked JR.

“I have to go and so should you. I’m sure you have a busy day ahead of you, JR.”

“You’re right, I suppose.”

As they left the restaurant, JR kissed Sue Ellen lightly on the lips. “Good night,” said JR.

“Good night,” replied Sue Ellen as she walked across the parking lot to her vehicle. She was barely at the city limit on the expressway when her mobile phone range. “Hello.”

“Sue Ellen.....it’s me,” said JR on the other end.

“What is it, JR?”

“I just couldn’t resist.”

“Resist what?” asked Sue Ellen, pretending she didn’t already know.

“Since you’re so blunt, my dear.....you.......I can’t resist you,” said JR as he lay back on a pillow in the hotel suite he’d reserved.

“Me? Whatever do you mean?”

“I know you haven’t had time to leave town. Spend the night with me, Sue Ellen.”

Sue Ellen was turning around even before she replied. “What was that, JR?”

“I want you to spend the night with me. Was that clear enough?”

“Why didn’t you say so, JR?”

“I wasn’t sure you’d agree.”

“What would you say if I told you I’m heading your way?”

“You don’t even know where I am.”

“You’re at the Hylton. Room 1102, to be exact.”

JR was at a loss for words for a moment. “How did you.....”

“I just knew,” was Sue Ellen’s response.

Minutes later, there was a knock on the door of JR’s suite.

Opening the door, JR uttered,”Come on in, lover.”

“I thought you’d never ask,” smiled Sue Ellen as JR pulled her to him.

As JR pulled her towards the bedroom, Sue Ellen asked herself yet again what was she doing. She wracked her brain, even as JR lavished kisses on her body. Familiarity, she told herself. He know me and I know him...like no two people before, she thought. We know each other. And....much more than that....we need each other....



JR and Sue Ellen dressed quickly as he needed to get back to SouthFork and Sue Ellen wanted to get home in time to tuck John Ross in. Downstairs in the parking garage, Sue Ellen gave JR a chaste peck on the cheek, before walking away.

“What was that? Is that all I get after this evening?” called out JR with a grin on his face.

“Afraid so,” said Sue Ellen, smiling back. “It does keep you running back for more, though, doesn’t it?”

“That it does, darlin’,” replied JR, who then tipped his stetson at her and sat down in his Mercedes.


Sue Ellen opened John Ross’ door and quietly crept towards his bed, careful not to wake him. Kissing him lightly on the forward, she crept back towards the door.

“Momma?” asked John Ross.

“I’m sorry, John Ross. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“Where were you this evening?”

“I went out to dinner with an old friend.”

“I missed you.”

Sue Ellen smiled at him. “I missed you too, John Ross. And I’m sorry I wasn’t here to have dinner with you. What do you say we spend the whole day together tomorrow?”

“I’d like that. Good night, Momma.”

“Good night, sweetheart.”

Sue Ellen closed the door behind her, feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt sweep over her. I have been neglecting John Ross, she thought. And so has JR.

Walking back through the house into the kitchen, Sue Ellen put on a pot of coffee and sat down with her diary.

12-14-92 continued

I spent another evening with JR. Later, I came home and tucked in John Ross. He told me he’d missed me this evening and it made me realize I have been neglecting my son.....And the strange thing is, I’m neglecting him in order to spend time with his father. I suppose I haven’t been juggling my time with the two of them as well as I should have. I’ve decided tomorrow is strictly for me and John Ross. I lost too much time with him when he was a baby and it won’t be long before he’s a teenager and won’t have time for me anymore with girlfriends, sports, school, and etc....

As for this evening, JR and I had another wonderful evening together. He makes me feel so loved and safe and.....special. But I have to remain guarded with JR as far as emotions go. I’ve said it before....I’ve been burned too many times by him. It could all come crashing down tomorrow, for all I know. For all I know, he could be with another woman at this very moment. But for now, I’m sincerely, truly happy to have him in my life. JR is a warm, tender, & passionate lover. Since I’ve moved back to Dallas, having him in my life has kept me from spending many nights alone. Sometimes, I wish.....well, never mind that.......

Sue Ellen poured another cup of coffee and thumbed through some magazines that had come in the days mail. She was looking at the upcoming spring fashions in one of them when the phone rang.


“Did you tuck John Ross in?” asked JR.

“Yes, he was already asleep when I got home but he woke up for a minute or two while I was in his room.”

“I won’t keep you, darlin, I just wanted to say good night and see if you made it home okay. You drive like a bat out of hell, woman.”

Sue Ellen could picture JR grinning on the other end of the line. “You’re a fine one to talk, JR,” she replied, laughing.

“What are your plans for tomorrow?”

“Well, I don’t have to work and John Ross gets out of school at noon so I thought I’d spend the day with him. He asked where I was this evening, JR.”

“He did? What did you tell him?”

“I told him I was having dinner with an old friend. Then he replied that he’d missed me this evening and it made me realize I’ve been neglecting him.”

“I suppose I have too.”

“We need to make sure we spend equal time with him from now on, JR. Don’t you think?”

“I hadn’t thought of it until you brought it up, Sue Ellen, but you’re right. I guess the thought never occurred to me because I’ve been spending all my free time with....with you.”

“You echoed my thoughts, JR.”

“Great minds think alike, darlin. I’ll let you go now. Good night, darlin....have fun tomorrow.”

“Good night, JR,” said Sue Ellen, hanging up the phone.


The following morning, JR walked into the kitchen and grabbed a doughnut. “Mornin’, Mama....Clayton.”

JR sat down at the kitchen table and looked over the morning newspaper. “You’re up early, JR,” observed Miss Ellie.

“I want to get into the office early today and catch up on some paperwork.”

“You haven’t been around much, JR. Things must be busy down there.”

“Always are, Clayton. How is the cattle business going?”

“Good. I’m heading into Braddock this afternoon to the auction.” JR was actually being jovial this evening, thought Clayton. “Why don’t you come with me sometime when you’re not busy?”

“I might just take you up on that, Clayton,” said JR, as he finished his doughnut, put on his hat, and stood to leave. “I better get going now.” Kissing Miss Ellie on the cheek, JR told them goodbye and left.

“Is something wrong with JR?” asked Clayton, sipping his coffee.

“Not that I know of. Why do you ask?” inquired Miss Ellie.

“Did you just hear him? He was friendly to me. That can only mean one thing.”

“What is that?”

“JR is up to something,” said Clayton.

JR looked at the radio clock in his Mercedes. Certain that John Ross was off to school now, he turned his car towards Sue Ellen’s house. What has come over me, he thought. I can’t go one day without seeing that woman! Am I smothering her? Surely, she’d let me know if she felt that way.
Pulling into the drive, JR took turned off the car, took the keys out of the ignition, and walked up to the door.

Sue Ellen had seen John Ross off to school and then took a long shower. Wrapping her hair in a towel, she put on a blue bathrobe and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. She fixed two slices of toast and poured herself a glass of orange juice. Turning on the television that sat on the kitchen counter, she took a seat on a stool and watched the morning new. Not that there was much going on....the morning rush hour was crazy as usual.... When the doorbell rang, Sue Ellen assumed the maid had forgotten her key again. So, it was quite a surprise when she opened the door to find JR standing there before her.

“JR? What are you doing here?” she asked, an annoyed look on her face.

“Good morning to you too, darlin....Is this a bad time?”

“Come on in.....I look a fright, I know.....” Why do I care so much about how I look to him? It’s not as if he’s never seen me in the morning, thought Sue Ellen.

JR followed Sue Ellen into the kitchen. “I didn’t mean to interrupt your breakfast, Sue Ellen.”

I am smothering her, thought JR. He could tell by the agitated expression on her face that this was, indeed, bad timing.

“That’s okay, JR....Have a seat.” She gestured towards a stool.

“Oh, that’s alright darlin...I’m in a hurry. I just wanted to stop in and say good morning to you....that’s all.”

“That’s it? That the only reason you came by?”

“That and to tell you I hope you and John Ross have a pleasant day together.” Kissing her quickly on the cheek, JR then bid farewell.

Sue Ellen was at a loss for words. She watched his car until it was out of sight. “What was that all about?” she asked aloud. “Surely I don’t look that scary without make-up.....”

JR silently scolded himself as he drove into Dallas. I should have called first. She obviously didn’t want any company this morning..... He made a promise to himself then and there not to force himself on Sue Ellen.... “Wait til she calls you......,” he told himself. But, oh.....how hard it was to resist her this morning. Even with her hair up in a towel and no make-up, she was still beautiful. It had been all he could do to restrain himself from sweeping Sue Ellen off her feet and running with her in his arms to her bedroom.......



Sue Ellen picked John Ross up at noon and the two of them headed in to Dallas.

“What would you like to do today, John Ross?”

“I dunno.”

“Well, let’s see....are you hungry?”

“Not really....Unless you’re talking about pizza, that is,” replied John Ross.

“Pizza it is. Why don’t we go to that pizza place at the mall?”


Sue Ellen pulled her car into an empty space far from the doors. The mall was packed with Christmas shoppers. She and John Ross went to the food court and got in line at S’Barro’s. Ten minutes later, trays in hand, they searched for an empty table.

“Sue Ellen...over here,” called a voice from behind.

Turning around, Sue Ellen saw that it was April. She and John Ross walked to her table.

“Hi Sue Ellen...John Ross....what are you doing here?”

“John Ross only had a half-day of school today so we’re having a day out on the town. What brings you here? Christmas shopping?”

“If you can call it that...it’s more like Christmas shopping for me,” laughed April. “Sit down and join me for lunch. I don’t think there’s another empty table in the place.”

“Thank you, April, but I promised John Ross that today was just for us.”

“It’s okay, Mom,” chimed in John Ross. “Besides, I think April is right. I don’t see an empty table anywhere.”

The two of them joined April at her table then. April talked with John Ross about school for a bit and then she and Sue Ellen talked some about the restaurant.

John Ross, finished with his pizza, interrupted them. “Mom, is it okay if I go to the arcade for a while?”

“Sure.” Sue Ellen then handed him five dollars. “Don’t stay gone too long. Okay?”

“I won’t,” said John Ross before dashing off in a sprint for the arcade. Sue Ellen watched him disappear inside.

“John Ross is quite a good-looking boy, Sue Ellen. I’ll bet the girls are ringing the phone off the hook.”

“Not yet,” sighed Sue Ellen. “But I’m sure it won’t be long.....”

The two of them laughed at that for a few seconds. “Sue Ellen, I want to ask you something,” said April. “And if it’s too personal, just tell me and I’ll shut up.”

“What is it?” asked Sue Ellen.

“Well...I was wondering...are you seeing anyone? I mean, I know you and Don haven’t been divorced that long but...”

“No....I’m not seeing anyone. Why do you ask?” Sue Ellen was now very curious. Does April know about JR and I?

Leaning towards her, April continued. “A gentleman who was dining at the restaurant asked me about you the other day....wanted to know if you’re single...I didn’t tell him anything because I didn’t know whether you’re seeing anyone or if you’re ready to for that matter...”

Sue Ellen remained silent for a moment. “Sue Ellen,” said April. “Come down to earth...”

Sue Ellen broke out in laughter as April waved her arms in the air. “I’m sorry. Please continue.”

“Well...that’s it. His name is Craig Martin. I did some research and found out he’s recently become a partner in Harv Smithfield’s firm. If you’re interested, I can give him your number...”

“I don’t know, April. I’m really not ready for a relationship yet,” lied Sue Ellen.

“I understand. But...just so you know....you’re quite an attractive lady and it won’t be long til men are beating down your door.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well...he’s not the first person to ask me about you and I’m sure he won’t be the last.”

Sue Ellen pondered April’s last comment for a moment. “You know, it is flattering to know men still find me attractive. I’m not getting any younger....” There was real meaning behind that statement. Sue Ellen knew she wasn’t “young” anymore. And....it was nice to know there still might be a chance.....in case things didn’t work out.... And what if JR decided to end their little arrangement?

“Sue Ellen? What are you talking about? You look great!”

Just then, John Ross came running back to the table. “That didn’t take long, John Ross.”

“That stupid game cheated me out of my money. Can we go now?”

“Yes....we can go now,” said Sue Ellen, smiling. “April, I enjoyed having lunch with you.”

“So did I....with you, I mean. We’ll have to meet up again sometime....away from work where we can gossip.”

“I agree. Have fun shopping.”

“You two do the same.”

Sue Ellen and John Ross spent the rest of the day at the mall. John Ross wore her out going from toy store to toy store until they’d been to all of them....and then back again for a second time! But she did enjoy it. She bought him a new Nintendo game he’d been wanting, though she had planned on buying it for him for Christmas. Back home now, John Ross ripped the packaging from the game and headed for his bedroom. Sue Ellen told him he could stay up a little later tonight so he could try it out, reminding him that she didn’t want a fuss from him when she woke him up for school the next day.

Sue Ellen, worn out from their day, sat down on the couch and turned on the television. Pressing a button on the answering machine, she listened to the messages. She was somewhat surprised that JR hadn’t called. There was that one hang-up. Maybe he didn’t want to take a chance on John Ross hearing it, she told herself. About an hour later, Sue Ellen peeked in on John Ross. He was sound asleep with the Nintendo remote in his hands. She pulled the covers up around him and turned off the television and the game.

Wandering back down the hall, Sue Ellen realized she was no longer sleepy. Taking a chance that JR was working late, Sue Ellen picked up the phone and dialed his office number.

“JR, Ewing here...”

“You’re still at work?”

JR was pleasantly surprised when the caller turned out to be Sue Ellen. That didn’t take long, he told himself. “That I am, darlin. You alright?”

“Yes....I hadn’t heard from you since this morning and....”

“Well...you seemed agitated this morning when I stopped by and I thought....”

“You thought what?”

“I was just leaving here, darlin. Were you getting ready for bed?”

“No. Not right away. Would you like to stop by for a nightcap?”

“Now there’s an offer I can’t refuse,” JR was smiling on the other end.

“I’ll be waiting. Don’t ring the doorbell. John Ross is in bed and I don’t want to wake him.”

“Okay. I’ll see you shortly then.”

“Goodbye, JR.”

About forty minutes later, Sue Ellen saw him pull into the drive. I’m acting like a schoolgirl, she told herself. Waiting in front of the window like this..... She held the door open as JR walked in.

“How was your day, darlin?”

“We had a great time. John Ross ran me ragged.”

“You look good, Sue Ellen,” said JR, winking at her. “For someone who’s been run ragged, I mean.”

“I’d say that was almost a compliment, JR,” laughed Sue Ellen. Running one hand through her hair, she continued. “I suppose I do look better than I did this morning....”

“Speaking of this morning, I apologize for intruding. That was rude of me and....”

“You weren’t intruding, JR. I just....I looked a fright and....”

“Is that why you acted that way this morning, Sue Ellen?” asked JR, serious now.

“Yes. Why did you think I acted that way?”

“I just thought you needed space and that maybe I was wearing out my welcome.”

Sue Ellen laughed aloud. “JR, I swear to you, the only reason I acted the way I did was because you caught me at my worst. I assure you of that.”

“I do find it somewhat mysterious that it drove you out of here like that,” Sue Ellen continued. “You being Mr. Macho and all....”

“Now, what the hell does that mean?” asked JR, somewhat irritated at her teasing.

“Oh, don’t get all mad, JR,” replied Sue Ellen. “It’s just that you leaving like that....well, you seem a little insecure.”

Angry now, JR stood up to leave. “Insecure....I may be a lot of things, darlin, but insecure is not one of them. You, of all people, should know that!”

“Keep your voice down, JR. You don’t want to wake John Ross, do you? And sit down. Don’t be so childish. I was only teasing you,” said Sue Ellen, pointing at the couch.

JR sat down, remaining silent for a while. Finally, he broke the silence by chuckling aloud. “Is this our first fight, darlin?”

“I’d say.....probably more like our thousandth argument, my dear,” answered Sue Ellen.

Leaning close, JR asked,”Is this the part where we kiss and make up?”

“I’d say that’s a very good idea, Mr. Ewing,” Sue Ellen whispered back.

JR wrapped his arms around Sue Ellen, pulling her to him....kissing her.... Sue Ellen responded by kissing back, while running her fingers through his hair. When their kissed became too desperate, Sue Ellen pulled away. “JR, we mustn’t.”

“But darlin....don’t you know....make-up sex is the best kind,” whispered JR, pulling her back to him.

A few moments later, Sue Ellen pulled away again. She had to. Sue Ellen could feel she was about to give in and there was no way she was going to have sex with him, with John Ross sleeping down the hall. “JR, I mean it. We can’t. Not here,” she whispered.

“You’re right, I suppose,” agreed JR. “Where can we go?” he then asked, his eyes darting about the room.

“Nowhere, JR. That’s where,” whispered Sue Ellen. “And keep your voice down.”

“My car is parked outside. We could go....”

“Are you crazy, JR?” asked Sue Ellen loudly.

JR pressed a finger to his lips. “Shhh...keep your voice down...remember?” He was grinning at her evilly now.

“I’ll ask again...have you gone mad? What if John Ross wakes up?”

“What if John Ross wakes up? You must be considering it then or you wouldn’t have.....”

“I knew I shouldn’t have invited you here, JR.”

“I know....and you know....exactly why you invited me here.”

“That is absurd!” Sue Ellen whispered loudly.

JR ignored her anger for the moment. “What’s so absurd about it?”

“Our son is just down the hall....”

“You told me that already,” interrupted JR. “Give me another reason.”

“What if he see us?”

“He can’t see my car from his room. Give me another reason.”

“I....well....it’s cold outside....is that good enough? asked Sue Ellen.

JR shook his head. “I’m afraid not....I have heated seats.....”

“You have really lost your mind, JR....”

“Am I going to have to carry you out there?” asked JR, thinking back to this morning when he’d wanted to carry her down the hall and make love to her so badly.

“You wouldn’t dare!” whispered Sue Ellen loudly again.

“So, you’re daring me now?”

Try as she might, Sue Ellen couldn’t deny she was getting turned on by this banter. Still, she tried to resist him. “I was not daring you, JR.”

“Oh, but you were...You said, and I quote, you....wouldn’t.....dare.....”

“I swear, JR....I’ll scream at the top of my lungs if you even attempt such a thing,” said Sue Ellen, her eyes full of anger now.

JR stood up, sweeping her off her feet, and rushed towards the door. As he carried her out to her Mercedes, JR whispered into her ear,”You wouldn’t dare....”

JR kissed her passionately on the lips all the way out to his Mercedes. Once in the back seat, he continued to kiss her. Sue Ellen was kissing him back. It was Sue Ellen who took charge now....kissing JR with a passion he’d never felt before. Pulling away from him, Sue Ellen hurried undid JR’s shirt, giving her access to his chest. “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” she whispered, taking one of his nipples in her mouth as she undid his pants. JR’s pants now around his ankles, Sue Ellen pushed him back against the seat, climbing on top of him. As she rode JR, she asked,”Is that what you want, JR?”

“That.....is.....exactly what I want,” moaned JR. Sue Ellen continued to ride him until she couldn’t take it any longer....JR felt her approaching orgasm and gently touched her clitoris with his thumb....Sue Ellen collapsed on top of him....pressing her hands to the back-glass....the now fogged up back-glass.... “Did you like that?” asked JR as he continued to pump his manhood into her.

“Yes....yes I did...,” moaned Sue Ellen.

“It’s my turn now,” whispered JR just moments before spilling himself into her.

Sue Ellen now lay on top of JR, both of the breathless. JR finally broke the silence. “That....was the best make-up sex I ever had....”

Sue Ellen laughed at that. “Well, I can’t fight with you about that, JR.”

“We better get dressed now, darlin...”

“It is cold out here. What was all that about the heated seats?” asked Sue Ellen, grinning at JR.

“Well darlin....I think we provided plenty enough heat.....but there’s always next time,” said JR as they got dressed. Sue Ellen laughed as she replied,”Maybe you can come out and heat up the car first....next time, that is....”

JR followed Sue Ellen up the steps. Sue Ellen attempted to open the door and turned around in horror. “What is it, Sue Ellen?”

“Dammit! We’re locked out......”



“You’re kidding,” said JR, trying to open the door.

“I’m not kidding, JR,” said Sue Ellen. “What the hell are we gonna do now?”

“Ring the doorbell and have John Ross let us in, I suppose,” suggested JR.

“Not on your life, JR.”

“Why not, Sue Ellen?”

“There is no way I am going to drag our son into our debauchery, JR. Do you want to explain to him what we were doing out here?”

“Why do we have to tell him?”

“What do you suggest then, JR?”

“You’re making this situation into much more than it is.”

“You’re right, JR. I just panicked, I suppose.”

“Damn right you did, Sue Ellen.” Pointing at the door, JR continued,”Ring the bell.”

Sue Ellen had to ring the doorbell several times to wake up John Ross. “I see him walking through the house,” said JR.

“John Ross! It’s me! I’ve locked myself out!,” called out Sue Ellen.

John Ross heard his mother but looked through the peephole just to make sure.

“What are you doing out here?” asked John Ross. His eyes falling on JR, he then asked,”What are you doing here, Dad?”

“Well son,” replied JR, laughing. “I dropped by to talk with your mother and was just leaving. Sue Ellen walked me outside and the door closed before either of us could catch it. Sorry to wake you, son.”

JR could tell John Ross believed his story. “I’m going back to bed now. Good night,” said John Ross as he sleepily headed back to his room.

“Good night, son!” called out JR.
“That was good, JR,” said Sue Ellen after hearing John Ross’ door shut behind him.

“Thank you, darlin. Anytime.” JR then turned toward his Mercedes. “Good night, darlin.”

“That’s it? Goodnight?” asked Sue Ellen.

“Do I detect a bit of disappointment in your voice, Sue Ellen?”

“Ohhhh......go home, JR.....you can be such a bastard!”

With that, Sue Ellen strode into the house, slamming the door behind her. JR watched her go in and chuckled to himself for a moment. Sometimes he liked to get her all bent of shape just for the hell of it....

Sue Ellen sat down on the sofa, picked up her diary, and poured out her thoughts.


I can’t believe what I did this evening! I had planned to spend the entire day with John Ross....sans JR. Everything went as planned until this evening. And it’s my fault! I called him and invited him over. And....one thing led to another.....and we wound up having sex in his car....in the driveway of all places. Where is this leading to? I really don’t see anything good coming out of this... But, I find it so hard to stay away. He’s getting to me, I know. I wonder if I’m getting to him.....

Sue Ellen closed her diary. Today’s excitement had caught up with her and she was ready for some much-needed sleep now.


JR changed into his pajamas got into bed. Sue Ellen had been furious with him when he’d left her. But.....Damn! She was so attractive when she was mad! He hadn’t meant to anger her. But, how huge her eyes were when she looked at him that way.....Now he had a pretty picture to think of as he drifted off into blissful slumber.....

The next morning, JR joined everyone for breakfast. “Well,” said Bobby. “How nice of you to grace us with your presence, JR....”

“Some of us work for a living, little brother,” retorted JR.

“Where were you last night, JR? I stopped by the office late and you weren’t there. You weren’t home when I got here either.”

“Did it ever occur to you, Bobby, that I was at a business meeting.....? Somewhere other than the office?”

“My we are touchy aren’t we?” joked Bobby. “From your tone, things mustn’t have gone well so I’ll drop the subject.”

“Thank you, Bob. You’re a real pal,” replied JR, taking a sip of coffee.

“You’re welcome, big brother,” smiled Bobby.

Miss Ellie and Clayton attempted to hid their smiles at this exchange. Both of them got a great deal of amusement out of it when somebody....anybody....got the best of JR. And Bobby could really bring out the best....or worst....in him....

“Will both of you be able to attend Punk and Mavis’ Christmas party tonight at the Cattlemen’s Club?” asked Miss Ellie.

“It’s tonight?” asked JR. He had completely forgotten.

“Don’t tell me you forgot, JR,” said Miss Ellie, frowning.

“I didn’t forget, Mama. It just slipped my mind. That’s all.”

“It’s tonight at 8 o’clock. I’m going over this afternoon to help Mavis. She is always a nervous wreck when it comes to things like this,” said Miss Ellie.

“April and I will be there,” chimed in Bobby. “We wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

“That’s wonderful.” replied Miss Ellie. “And you, JR?”

“I’ll be there, Mama,” said JR, forcing a grin. Truthfully, he’d rather spend the evening with Sue Ellen. But she was probably still angry with him after last night, he thought. And....it was important for them to be discreet. If they continued to spend as much as time together as they had been lately, they were sure to be caught....sooner or later...


Sue Ellen took a breather before the evening crowd came in. I can’t wait for the Christmas season to be over, she thought. Looking over the reservations, Sue Ellen saw that Mr. & Mrs. Harv Smithfield had a dinner reservation this evening. Now there’s an example of true love, Sue Ellen thought. She remembered the last time she’d seen the two of them together. They had walked into the restaurant holding hands, just like the high school sweethearts they’d been over 40 years ago. Sue Ellen smiled when she thought of them. And then her thoughts turned to her current relationship....with JR. “I’ll bet their relationship isn’t near as passionate as the one I have with JR now,” she said under her breath. She and JR hadn’t parted on the best of terms last night. She’d been furious with him! But I got over it quickly enough, Sue Ellen thought.

Sue Ellen looked at the clock. She didn’t have to work that late tonight. And....John Ross was sleeping over with a friend. Perhaps? Sue Ellen picked up the phone and dialed the Hylton. After securing a room.....our room, she thought.....she started to dial JR at Ewing Oil. No, a telegram would be better, she thought.


JR was on the phone with a banker in Austin when Sly knocked on his door. Not wanting to interrupt him, she held up an envelope. He nodded for her to leave it on his desk and went back to his conversation. After hanging up the phone, JR opened the envelope and unfolded the message. It read:

Hello lover. Suite 1102 is vacant this evening. I find it’s much more comfortable than the backseat of a car, don’t you? I’ll be waiting...

JR knew Sue Ellen wouldn’t remain angry with him for too long. Hopefully, she would understand about the party at the Anderson’s. He thought about calling but then he thought....She didn’t call me....why should I call her?

Dialing up a local florist he didn’t normally use, JR ordered a single yellow rose. The florist didn’t normally make deliveries for such a small order but relented when he offered a generous tip.


Sue Ellen had just walked out of the kitchen when a deliveryman approached her.

“Can I help you?”

“I have a delivery for a Ms. Lockwood.”

“That would be me,” said Sue Ellen. The deliveryman handed her the rose. She opened the card which read:

While your offer is quite enticing, I am bound to a prior engagement this evening. Some other time perhaps.......

“That bastard,” she said aloud. “He couldn’t turn me down himself.....he had to go through somebody else....” Not only is he a bastard, he’s a coward, thought Sue Ellen. She then remembered the party the Anderson’s were throwing at the Cattlemen’s Club. She’d marked it on her calendar but it had totally slipped her mind. She knew that was JR’s prior engagement. Maybe I’ll just surprise him there, thought Sue Ellen.


JR talked with Punk for a while and then worked his way through the crowd. Taking a seat at the bar, he observed that the party was in full swing. It was early and there were already a few couples on the dance floor. He ordered up his favorite....bourbon & branch....and drank in silence.
Sue Ellen entered the Cattlemen’s Club. Miss Ellie quickly spotted her and took her by the arm. “I’m so glad you came, Sue Ellen. Mavis asked me about you earlier.”

“This is turning into quite a party, isn’t it Miss Ellie?” observed Sue Ellen...looking for JR.....

“Yes it is. Mavis was so nervous but I told her there was nothing to worry about. Why don’t you join us?” asked Miss Ellie, gesturing toward a table nearby.

Spotting Bobby and April across the room, Sue Ellen said,“Maybe later, Miss Ellie. I want to say hello to Bobby and April.”

“I’ll see you later then,” replied Miss Ellie before walking away.

Maybe he’s not here, thought Sue Ellen, as she made her way to Bobby and April.

“Sue Ellen! What a surprise!” said April.

“Hello April...Bobby....I was just telling Miss Ellie...this is quite a party....”

“That it is, Sue Ellen,” said Bobby. “It’s good to see you. April tells me you’re a natural restauranteur....”

“I don’t know about that,” replied Sue Ellen, blushing.

“Don’t be shy, Sue Ellen,” said April. “You’re great at it! Maybe one day you’ll buy it from me.”

“One step at a time,” laughed Sue Ellen.

As a slow song began, Bobby interjected. “If you’ll pardon me, Sue Ellen, I was just about to ask this beautiful lady to dance....”

“Please proceed,” smiled Sue Ellen. “Maybe I’ll catch up with you later.”

Sue Ellen watched them head to the dance floor and couldn’t help feeling a little jealous. How I wish JR and I could..... Stop it! This was your idea, Sue Ellen told herself. She decided to join Miss Ellie and Mavis and walked in their direction. But...she couldn’t help feeling that someone was staring at her... Looking around the room, her eyes fell on a white stetson... And her eyes locked with JR’s. I may as well say hello, she told herself, and walked in his direction.

“Hello JR,” greeted Sue Ellen.

“Good evenin’, Sue Ellen,” said JR, his eyes roaming over her.

“I won’t stay long, JR....I just wanted to say hello....that’s all.”

“You seem nervous, darlin....are you hiding something?” JR asked, a sardonic grin on his face.

“Aren’t we both hiding something, JR?”

“That....was your choice, my dear.” Pointing towards the dance floor, JR asked,” Don’t you think it’s a shame? I mean....you love to dance....and I love to dance.....”

“Stop it! Do you hear me?” whispered Sue Ellen loudly.

JR chuckled. “I hear you....” Then, looking into her eyes, he said,”It’s killing you isn’t it?”

“Isn’t it killing you, JR?”

“Yes,” agreed JR. “But again....that was your choice. It’s all fun, isn’t it? That is...until a function such as this.....”

“Whatever do you mean, JR?”

Across the room, Mavis interrupted Miss Ellie’s summary of the last DOA meeting by pointing out JR and Sue Ellen. “I didn’t know they were on speaking terms, Ellie.”

“For John Ross’ sake, they are,” replied Miss Ellie. “Did I tell you I invited Sue Ellen to SouthFork for Christmas?”

“No,” said Mavis. “You didn’t. I’ll bet you’re relieved they can at least be civil with each other.”

“Very,” replied Miss Ellie. “And....it’s good for John Ross too.”

Meanwhile, across the room, JR continued,”You know exactly what I mean, Sue Ellen. For example, I know you’re dying to dance right now, but you wouldn’t dare.”

“Oh, I would. Just not with you, JR,” replied Sue Ellen stoically.

“Just not with me here, you mean.”

“JR, please,” said Sue Ellen. “Don’t try to start up an argument.”

“I’m not, darlin. I’m just pointing out the obvious.”

“Well...you can stop, JR.”

A slow song started as this banter went on. “Did you ever think, Sue Ellen, that you’re making things more obvious by lingering here with me? You’ve been standing in that same spot, talking to me, for over ten minutes now.”

“Have I?” asked Sue Ellen. “I suppose I should be on my way then.”

“Not so fast,” said JR, grabbing her arm. “You like this game, don’t you?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, JR.”

“Oh, but you do,” replied JR. “I tell you what. You see that man over there,” he continued, pointing to a gentleman neither of them knew.

“Yes....I see him....Why do you ask?”

“I want you to go ask him to dance.”

“What?” asked Sue Ellen, incredulously.

“Dance with him. I’ve noticed him watching you.”

“Well,” replied Sue Ellen, walking away in a huff. “Maybe I will.”

Sue Ellen walked straight to the stranger and asked him to dance. And....he obliged.... Just as they took to the dance floor, Sue Ellen noticed JR leading Anita Smithfield onto the dance floor. She immediately became jealous. But....as she watched JR.....her anger subsided as she saw that JR’s gaze was upon her the entire time. The two of them stole glances as much as possible throughout the song. Sue Ellen felt as if she were dancing with JR, almost. Neither of them focused on their partner....only each other. When the song ended, Sue Ellen was at a loss. Yes, she thanked the gentleman, but...she didn’t even get his name. All she could look at...all she could focus on....all she could think about was JR.

I have to get out of here, Sue Ellen told herself. The situation with JR was becoming much more intense than she’d ever meant it to be. In the beginning, Sue Ellen wanted a casual relationship...casual sex, that is.... But it was never that. Avoiding JR’s gaze, Sue Ellen made her excuses and quickly exited the Cattlemen’s Club. She had taken a limo to the party....as that was what the extremely wealthy did....and, so, she asked the doorman to call the limousine service for her return ride. She didn’t want to chance standing inside. Sue Ellen waited impatiently for her ride.

“You in a hurry, darlin?” asked a voice behind her.

With her back to him, Sue Ellen responded,”Yes, in fact, I am.”

“You sound stressed, darlin. I hope it wasn’t something I did.”

“You know very well it is your fault, JR.”

“You wish it were the two of us dancing in there, don’t you?” inquired JR.

“And what if I did, JR?”

“Well....I wouldn’t mind if you did,” answered JR.

“I....do mind.....JR,” said Sue Ellen.

“Why?” asked JR.

“Because.....because....I never meant to feel this way.”

“How do you feel, Sue Ellen?”

Sue Ellen was rescued by the limo. Getting in as quickly as possible, Sue Ellen slammed the door shut, not waiting for the driver to do it for her. Sensing her hurried mood, the driver rushed around the car and got behind the steering wheel. “Where to?” he asked.

“The Hylton,” responded Sue Ellen shortly.

Back at the Cattlemen’s Club, JR told the valet to bring his Mercedes....quick..... Maybe I should let her be, JR told himself as he sped across town. He’d initially thought Sue Ellen would have the limo take her home and was surprised when the limo pulled into the awning of the Hylton. JR felt like a stalker at this point, but he couldn’t let her go.

Sue Ellen felt safe once inside the elevator. The door had almost closed when, suddenly, a hand stopped it....a man’s hand.....JR’s hand......

“JR, what are you......”

JR quickly got in and pressed the “Door Close” button. “I’m not going to let you get away like that, Sue Ellen.”

“Why are you following me, JR?”

“Why are you running away from me, Sue Ellen?” he asked her back.

“I’m not running away. I’m just.....”

“You want to be with me, Sue Ellen, don’t you?” asked JR.

They were so caught up in this intense discussion, neither of them noticed at first that the elevator had reached the top floor until the doors opened. Sue Ellen exited then and walked to Room 1102.

“Are you going to lock me out, Sue Ellen?” asked JR as she let herself in.

“Why shouldn’t I, JR?”

“Because you don’t want to, Sue Ellen.”

Sue Ellen relented, allowing JR inside the suite. “You don’t want to lock me out, do you....darlin?”

“I don’t know, JR.”

“I think you do know.”


“What were you thinking while dancing with your handsome stranger?”

“I wasn’t thinking anything.”

“You weren’t thinking about anything?”


“Well...darlin, it must be nice. Because I was.”

“You were? Please enlighten me, JR,” said Sue Ellen harshly.

“I was thinking how I wished it were you I was dancing with...”

“I know you were,” replied Sue Ellen, her voice soft now.

“Then why are we acting this way, Sue Ellen?”

“Because we’re both children, JR. That’s why. We covet a new toy until we get it. And what do we do? We break it. Or...we toss it to the side because we’re bored. We both like the game. But neither of us appreciate the reward, do we?”

“You’re scared, Sue Ellen.”

“I’m not scared, JR. I’m simply stating the truth.”

“And what is that?”

“We can never be together. Do you get it? Never....together....”

“Don’t you think I know that? All I wanted this evening with that dance was a little playful fun....Us making each other jealous.....You read too much into it.”

Sue Ellen broke into laughter. “You're psychotic, JR....As a matter of fact, I think we both are....you and me....”

“I don’t see what is so funny, Sue Ellen, after all this,” said JR, grimacing now.

“It’s not funny, JR. We’ve taken it too far this evening, I’ll admit....But, I want to tell you this. I’ve never seen you angrier....more furious.....more handsome....or sexier...than you are to me right now.”

“You’re deranged, Sue Ellen,” said JR.

“Not deranged,” whispered Sue Ellen, approaching JR ever so slowly. “Turned on, maybe....but deranged? Never.”

Sue Ellen crept on towards him. Just before kissing him, Sue Ellen looked at him closely...their faces inches apart.....and took his manhood in her hands.....

“Let’s go to bed, JR,” she whispered.

“Does this sudden change in attitude mean you want me, Sue Ellen?” JR whispered back.

“Yes.....I want you, JR Ewing....and by the way, I love yellow roses....”




The following afternoon, Sue Ellen picked John Ross up from his friend’s house. Back home, Sue Ellen busied herself wrapping Christmas packages. John Ross was in his room, occupied by his new Nintendo game. Placing a bow on the last one, she said aloud,”Done”. Sue Ellen then decided to make her daily entry in her diary.


I spent most of the afternoon finishing up with my Christmas present wrapping. So far, today’s been pretty uneventful. Last night, however, ........To put it bluntly, I was with JR again. It all started at Punk and Mavis’ party. We had a fight...wound up at the Hylton....again! Same room, different day. Why do I continue on this self-destructive path? My casual sex with JR has turned into much more.... It was easy at first to keep my emotions at bay. But now... I just don’t know what to do about this situation. Noone else knows about us and I like the excitement of that. What will I do when JR moves on to someone else? I thought I had prepared myself, at first. But, other than the restaurant, I have no social life outside of JR. Even now, I’m just waiting on a phone call....from him. And I know I shouldn’t be angry or upset if he doesn’t call. I know I’ve brought this on myself. I don’t love him. I know I don’t. Should I end it? That’s the logical thing to do, after all. So, why can’t I? Why can’t I just have a normal life?

Sue Ellen closed her diary and dropped it onto the end table. Deciding to check on John Ross, she walked to his room and knocked on the door.

“Come in,” called out John Ross.

Sue Ellen opened the door and walked in, sitting on the bed. “You doing okay in here?”

“Mmmhmmm,” answered John Ross, focusing on the game as if he were in a trance.

“Are you going to sit like that all evening, John Ross?” asked Sue Ellen, laughing.

John Ross paused the game. “No. I’m going to stay the night at SouthFork. Remember?”

How could I have forgotten, Sue Ellen asked herself. “Oh. I remember. Is JR picking you up?”

“No, Grandma is coming to get me. She’s picking me up at six o’clock.”

“I see. Well....I’ll let you get back to your game.”

“Okay.” John Ross un-paused the game and Sue Ellen walked out, closing the door behind her.

Miss Ellie picked John Ross up at six o’clock, as planned. Sue Ellen bid John Ross farewell for the night and watched as Miss Ellie’s car drove out of sight. She then closed the door and walked into the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, Sue Ellen tried to decide what to have for dinner. Nothing she had in the house appealed to her. I could go out for dinner, she thought. No, she told herself. That would be odd....going out for dinner alone. It hit her then. “I have to learn to be independent,” Sue Ellen said aloud. “That’s been my problem all along...” Sue Ellen came to the realization that there was always a man in her life. Always. If it wasn’t JR, it was Cliff...or Dusty....or Clint....Don.... The common denominator of all this was the fact there was always....always a man in her life. If there’s anything that needs changing in my life, this is it, Sue Ellen told herself.

An hour later, Sue Ellen emerged from her room....freshly showered....dressed in cream-colored pants and a black, silk button-up blouse...a black sash tied to the side...black stilettos.....she grabbed her purse and headed out the door. Tonight, she was going to treat herself to dinner. Alone.


Sue Ellen started to go to Scalini’s but had decided to go somewhere else....somewhere new...uncharted territory, she told herself. She decided to go to Lombardi’s. Entering the restaurant, Sue Ellen approached the hostess.

“Good evening,” greeted the hostess. “How many in your party?”

“I need a table for one, please,” replied Sue Ellen.

“Certainly. Follow me.”

Sue Ellen placed her purse in the empty chair and sat down. This is nice, she thought, as she surveyed the room. She had just begun to look over the menu when the waitress appeared.

“Good evening. I’m Katie and I’ll be serving you this evening. Would you be interested in an appetizer?”

“What do you suggest?” asked Sue Ellen, glancing back at the menu.

“The Calamari Fritti is a excellent. If you don’t like seafood, I suggest the Bruschetta. It consists of our own Italian country bread brushed with garlic & olive oil, grilled and topped with vine ripe tomato & basil.”

“I think I’ll have the bruschetta....club soda to drink....,” replied Sue Ellen.

This isn’t so bad, Sue Ellen told herself. In fact, it’s kind of nice. A couple of minutes later, the waitress returned with Sue Ellen’s club soda. “The bruschetta will be out momentarily. Have you decided on an entree`?”

“Yes,” replied Sue Ellen. “I’ll have the Calamari Milanese.”

“Excellent choice,” noted the waitress.

Sue Ellen took in her surroundings. She was the only single woman in the restaurant but Sue Ellen found she was comfortable with that. Maybe I’ll come here more often, she thought. The bruschetta was wonderful. Of course, there was no way she could eat all of it...by herself. Taking a sip of club soda, Sue Ellen was startled when she spied a man...wearing a stetson....approaching the hostess. It was JR. You’ve got to be kidding me, Sue Ellen laughed to herself. Of all the restaurants in Dallas, he had to walk into this one. The one time I do something by myself, and who do I run into?

JR took a seat and opened the menu. As he read over it, his eyes sought out....purely unintentionally....a lady across the room. She was dining alone and was dressed very fashionably, he thought. What a strange situation this is, he thought. JR had been tied up in meetings for the entire duration of the afternoon and evening. Starving, he’d chosen this restaurant.... Why he’d chosen it was a mystery to him. He’d driven past it for years but had never stopped in. She doesn’t know I’m here, he told himself. JR had resolved to let Sue Ellen be the one to make the next move. Therefore, he hadn’t called her today. What luck! A chance to watch my lady from afar, he thought.

I wonder if he’s meeting someone, thought Sue Ellen. You never know with JR. She noted that he had already ordered. He wouldn’t have done that if he were meeting another woman...I mean someone, she told herself. And, besides, it shouldn’t matter to me who he’s meeting.

There was no way Sue Ellen could finish the bruschetta herself, if she planned on eating dinner. This is way too much for one person, she thought. Pushing the plate aside, she looked sneakily at JR. He must have been working late. Checking out his suit, she scolded herself.

JR sat mesmerized. As much as I thought I knew this woman, JR told himself, the more she surprises me. From across the room, Sue Ellen looked so sophisticated...so refined....so confident.....so beautiful....

JR finished his lasagna and ordered up one more bourbon & branch. Sue Ellen had finished her dinner also, he noted, watching the waitress clearing her table. But Sue Ellen didn’t pay yet. Moments later, he observed the waitress returning to Sue Ellen’s table with dessert...what it was, he couldn’t tell.

This has been nice, thought Sue Ellen. Having dinner alone....I should do this more often. She was secretly glad JR hadn’t seen her....

JR ordered the strawberry cheesecake for dessert. “Is there anything else I can do for you? Refresh your drink?” asked the waitress.

“I’m fine, thanks...no.....wait....” JR couldn’t help himself. He jotted down a few words on a napkin, folded it, and asked the waitress,”Would you mind delivering this to the lady seated across the room...the auburn-haired lady dining alone?”


Sue Ellen had been torn....as far as which dessert to choose. Finally, she’d decided on the strawberry cheesecake. Just as she began to indulge herself, a waitress interrupted her. “Yes?” asked Sue Ellen, looking up at her.

“The gentleman across the room asked me to bring this to you,” replied the waitress, handing Sue Ellen the folded up napkin.

Opening it, Sue Ellen read it to herself. It read:

Pardon me if I ask....Do I know you from somewhere? You look strikingly familiar to me...

Sue Ellen gave JR a deadpan stare. He never caught on, though....continued to enjoy his dessert. Sue Ellen wrote a reply, which said:

You must be mistaken. We’ve never met. Perhaps you have me confused with someone else???

Flagging down a waitress, she sent the now re-folded napkin back to JR. JR smiled broadly as he read Sue Ellen’s response. He wrote his own response then.

I could have sworn I’d seen you before. You look so similar to a lady I saw once at a beauty pageant.... Sorry for interrupting your dinner...my mistake.....

JR returned the note to Sue Ellen via his waitress.

“The gentleman wrote you back,” said the waitress as she handed the note back to Sue Ellen.

Sue Ellen grinned at her. “Thank you.”

She then read JR’s response. The waitress stood and watched in the background. Normally, this type of thing would have perturbed her. But this was different for some reason....it seemed sooooo...romantic....

Sue Ellen wrote back on a new napkin.

No apology needed....I’m flattered.....

This time, Katie delivered the message. Her co-worker, Wanda, had let her in on what she thought was going on......And Katie wanted to be part of this exchange. She handed the note to JR and rejoined Wanda to watch.

JR and Sue Ellen were careful not to get caught in each other’s gaze. JR read Sue Ellen’s last note and wrote directly under it:

I apologize, nonetheless....a beautiful woman like you must be taken already......

Sue Ellen could feel JR gazing at her now, as she read his latest message. She looked down at it for several minutes...trying to decide how to respond.

The band had started to play now. Several couples made their way onto the dance floor. It wasn’t long before the waitress returned with Sue Ellen’s latest response. JR didn’t see her writing it....

Nonsense! I’m single and relishing every moment of it! ...read the note.

JR wrote her back:

How fortunate! So am I. Would it be too bold of me to ask for a dance?

JR grinned in amusement. This was turning into quite an evening! His mood turned even brighter when the note was returned.

Your dance card must be full, I’m certain. But if you could spare a few....

JR quickly responded to this last message.

For you......I’d give up anything......I want to get to know you better....

Sue Ellen read this last message and was......well...there was no way to describe it. She quickly scribbled:

How do you suggest that? I mean....getting to know each other....

JR read her note and decided to approach her now.

“Hello stranger.”

“Hello, yourself,” responded Sue Ellen.

“You are....ravishing......”

“You flatter me. Forgive me, but I don’t think I got your name,” said Sue Ellen through batted eyelashes.

“Of course! The name is Ewing. JR Ewing. And you?”

“I’m Sue Ellen....pleased to make your acquaintance....”replied Sue Ellen, smiling.

JR stood up, taking Sue Ellen by the hand. “Care to dance?”

“How could I possibly resist such a gentlemanly offer?”

Sue Ellen followed JR’s lead...onto the dance floor.... JR took her in his arms and they fell into the song...”Strangers In The Night”.

“I meant what I said, Sue Ellen....you look.....beautiful.....”

“Thank you, JR,” replied Sue Ellen. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

“I must say....I was disappointed when I didn’t hear from you today,” whispered JR.

“To be honest, I had planned on being alone this evening.....”

“Alone? Why?”

“That....doesn’t matter....does it?”

“I apologize for intruding. And, no, it doesn’t matter.”

“We just can’t keep from running into each other, can we?”

“I suppose not, darlin. Is that a bad thing?” inquired JR.

“Not entirely.”

“Not entirely? That means you’re perturbed,” responded JR.

“Not at all. I’m finding this experience to be....sort of romantic.”

“Is that a fact?”

“You can quote me on it,” said Sue Ellen.

“This evening was kind of exciting, wasn’t it?”

“That it was, JR.”

“You want it to get more exciting, darlin?”

“Whatever do you mean? Please explain,” laughed Sue Ellen.

JR whispered in her ear now. “I would, darlin. But I’m afraid you’d be embarrassed.”

Turned on now, Sue Ellen asked,”Do you think our room is available?”

“Sue Ellen, you turn any room you enter into your room,” said JR, sincerely.

“Let’s get out of here.”

“Does that mean you’re tired. Or, does it mean.....you want me?” asked JR, smiling slyly.

“Both,” said Sue Ellen.

“You don’t think it’s safe to go off with strangers, do you?”

“No....unless the stranger is....you.....”





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